14 || Late Night Run-in

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—Time skip to 9:00pm Thursday night—

Puppets P.O.V.

"I'm leaving for a bit." I said as I walked down the stairs and towards the exit of the bar.

"Remember to be back by eleven o'clock." Kurogiri reminded me from behind the counter, "The rest of the League will be here."

"Mhm, I shouldn't be gone for more than an hour and a half. I just need to do something." I opened the door and walked out of the bar.

—Time skip to an hour and ten minutes later—

It had been a dull night for soul hunting, in an hour of looking I had only found and obtained five souls. Now it was dark and I was walking on the sidewalk of a deserted street.

'I have to start heading back, I should get on the rooftops to travel faster.' I used my quirk to shoot stings from my hand and to the rooftops of the buildings next to me, only nothing happened.

My stomach did a flip, 'I didn't expect him to be here.'

I kept walking as if nothing had happened, I needed to stay calm so he thinks I haven't noticed him yet. He just made a huge mistake.

I turned and walked into an alley. I was cornering myself for him, giving him the ideal situation. Now would be the time he would attack. Stealth wouldn't work against your opponent if they have good battlefield awareness.

"You've lost your touch, Eraser." I said loudly, my voice echoing in the quiet dead end I was now standing in. "Could it be your time as a teacher has made you rusty?"

Eraser came down at me from the rooftops, his leg outstretched as he was aiming a kick at my head. I dodged and grabbed his ankle, flinging him behind me to the opening of the alley. Not ideal, but it was the only way I could go if he came down at me from the angle he did. He landed in a crouch and stood back up straight. His hair was up in the air and he had his goggles on over his eyes.

"How long have you been trying to track me down?" I asked.

He stayed silent.

'So he's here because of his grudge against me.'

"Do I really get on your nerves so much that you would come after me personally?" I smiled, "I'm touched. Does my capture really mean that much to you?"

He jumped at me, he wasn't wasting any time, he wasn't going to go for a long drawn out fight against me, smart. I pulled the dagger from my right boot, I want to let him live to see how insane he would go trying to catch me but if I needed to kill him I would.

He flung two ends of his scarf at me, I cut one with my dagger and let the other one grab a hold of my left wrist. His fighting style wasn't suited to go against me, his capture weapon was a lot like the string part of my quirk so it was easy for me to manipulate his scarf the way I needed for it to benefit me.

I tugged his scarf towards me and pulled him to me quicker than he would have expected. But I forgot to take into account what pro heroes can do. He used that to his advantage and swung past me, he turned in mid-air and kicked me in the back of my head, knocking me to the side.

I stepped back and turned around, my head was throbbing.

'Damn it.'

Eraser Heads P.O.V.

Puppets white hair was now starting to soak into a blood-red color from the blow to the head she just took. I used her momentary dazed state to blink and rehydrate my eyes.

I'm sure she noticed me because I had erased her quirk so early, it's a dumb rookie move that I had done to make sure she didn't use her quirk to go anywhere quickly.

I had finally found her, it took me a week but after wandering around less populated areas, she finally decided to show herself and go soul hunting.

Puppet lashed out at me with her dagger. I dodged her first few swings but she came at me quickly and didn't give me any time to attack her, she was relentless. At one point I jumped a bit too far away from her and she threw a knife at me, it impaled my right arm. I grit my teeth in pain but I still kept my eyes open.

I took a second and pulled the throwing knife out of my arm, that was a mistake. Puppet charged at me and sliced my left side with her dagger, I yelped and winced from the pain before I realized I had just blinked for longer than I ever should have.

Puppets P.O.V.

I was losing blood and started to get dizzy, I almost missed my knife throw, but it still hit him. I slashed at Eraser's left side as he stopped to pull my knife from his arm. I cut him deeply in the left side of his stomach, nothing that would kill him though. I immediately tried to use my quirk and succeeded, I had just gotten these souls but I needed to use them as my best way to escape.

Several wispy white souls appeared in my hands and swirled around me then manifested into wispy white, partially see-through figures of people. To be specific, figures of the people they once were. I had brought out four of the five souls I had obtained tonight.

I turned and faced Eraser with my souls surrounding me giving me protection. Eraser stood in front of me, completely still. He had wrapped his scarf around the wound on his side and it was now red with his blood. We were both wounded now.

'Two attack, two defend.'

Two of the souls rushed Eraser, he was much slower than before.

'Last two attack, don't kill.'

The last two of the souls joined the others and attacked Eraser. Eraser was trying to defend against my souls but he was clearly unstable because of his injuries.

His focus was off of me and I was able to use my quirk. I didn't know how badly my head was injured, but I was dizzy so I had to use this chance to get out of here before I overused my quirk in my weakened state and passed out right in front of Eraser. I ran through the neighboring alleys, leaving my souls to hold back the pro hero.

A/N: Take this original art cuz why not

They look younger than I wanted but I was too lazy to fix it so yeah

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They look younger than I wanted but I was too lazy to fix it so yeah. And I know it looks really pixelated, that's because I accidentally did it on a really small canvas and didn't notice until it was too late 😅

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