10 || Escape

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Third Person P.O.V.

Puppet stopped at the edge of an alley and looked down into it at the wispy black and purple portal floating at the top. She turned around to face the pro hero that was chasing her.

Eraser Head stopped a few yards away, confused as to why Puppet had stopped running. He became suspicious and prepared himself for what could happen, grabbing the end of his scarf.

"Well it seems I must go now, though I did have fun." Puppet said as she moved a few stray hairs out of her face.

"What?" Eraser Head was clearly confused. He blinked several times as quickly as possible to try to keep his eyes from stinging because of overusing his quirk.

A twisted smile appeared on Puppet's face, "You know 'what'."

Puppet lifted her hands up so they were level with her head and started to let herself fall backwards over the edge into the alley.

"NO!" Eraser Head yelled as he threw his capture weapon trying to stop her from escaping.

'Too little, too late.' Puppet smirked. She didn't even flinch as she let herself fall over the edge and back first into the warp gate.

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

"NO!" I threw my scarf at Puppet, trying to catch her before she fell over the edge. I was too slow and she fell into the alley, my scarf flying through the area where she had just stood.

I immediately rushed to the edge of the alley and looked down, only to see a purple warp gate close.

I collapsed onto my knees, my hair fell from the air onto my shoulders and my goggles fell around my neck, my eyes burning.

'I let her escape, again.'

"Eraser Head!" I heard the number seven hero known as Kamui Woods yell my name from behind me.

"DAMN IT!" I punched the cement rooftop in a fit of rage. My hand now throbbed, but I didn't care. I heard the sounds of footsteps approach me, I knew who it was from the sound their feet made.

"Eraser." Ectoplasm's voice spoke.

"You're late." I spoke with anger evident in my tone.

Ectoplasm sighed, "Let's get back in the school, otherwise you'll be bombarded by reporters."

I stood up and rubbed my irritated eyes, "Okay." I agreed. The last thing I wanted to deal with right now was the press.

Before I followed Ectoplasm I turned to Kamui Woods, "Look around the area, she said she had killed a few people this morning." I told him remembering what she had said during her monologue, "I needed souls, so here I am now, with a few more souls than last night." He nodded in response, and I followed Ectoplasm back towards UA.

Puppets P.O.V.

I backwards walked into the bar since I had entered Kurogiri's warp gate back first instead of the 'normal' way, facing forward. The warp gate closed after I came out.

The first thing I saw was Shigaraki rushing towards me at with his left arm outstretched in my direction. Strings came from my hands as I prepared to immobilize Shigaraki, but before I could do much more a small warp gate opened in front of him, causing his hand to go into it. Shigaraki stopped where he was and looked behind the bar at the one responsible for the warp gate.

"Enough." Kurogiri said forcefully towards Shigaraki.

Shigaraki grumbled and pulled his hand out of the warp gate as it closed. Shigaraki's posture relaxed and I did the same, letting go of my strings.

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