84 || Return

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Third Person P.O.V.

Eraser Head had no choice, he stayed with the class, patching up injuries and making sure everyone was relatively comfortable. Per Puppets instructions, no one had called for help, they all just stayed there by the bus waiting.

The sun was getting lower in the sky, the afternoon coming around.

"Umm.. Mr. Aizawa?" Kirishima's voice shook with nervousness as he caught his teachers attention.

"What?" Eraser Head asked, turning away from helping Jiro, who had woken up in the last ten minutes.

Kirishima pointed down the road. Little needed to be said about what he was pointing at.

Walking up on the road was a female in black and white. It was hard to mistake who she was.

A bird-like figure in the sky caught Eraser Head's eye. He looked up and his body racked with unease as he recognized that it was not a bird, rather it was Hawks. He was carrying Tokoyami in his arms. He hadn't known that Hawks was part of this.

"Keep everyone back and don't move unless it's unavoidable." Eraser Head ordered Kirishima.

The spiky-haired redhead nodded and jogged back of the bus, telling everyone to get in the broken vehicle before getting in and taking shelter himself.

Hawks flew down and placed Tokoyami's limp figure in the middle of the road. He backed away, exchanging eye-contact with Eraser Head to let him know it was safe.

After a few moments, Eraser Head cautiously walked over to Tokoyami, picking the teenager up and walking back. He kept looking back over his shoulder as he walked, making sure neither Puppet nor Hawks was going to suddenly decide to not be so peaceful.

Once he was a safe distance away, Eraser Head placed Tokoyami down on the ground, lightly using his hand to tap the boy's face, trying in vain to get him to wake up. He tried again with the same result.

"What did you do to him?!" Eraser Head yelled at Puppet and Hawks, enraged that they had even dared to harm or drug one of his students.

"Relax, it's only chloroform." Puppet convinced the concerned teacher. "I said I would return him to you unharmed, and that's exactly what we're doing."

She was a woman of her word here, she didn't lie. She had promised to bring Tokoyami back and she did.

Puppet started talking again in an upbeat tone. "Well, that's all we're here for."

"Nothing more?" Eraser Head asked skeptically.

"Nope. No strings attached." Puppet assured, then she looked up at Hawks. "Unless you wanna do something more, I'm open to suggestions."

"Nah, I got nothing." Hawks shrugged. "You've already roughed 'em up."

That was true, Puppet had injured at least half the class.

"You can go ahead and call for help now if you desire." Puppet said, "I think it's about time we get back."

Hawks held his hand out to Puppet and she took it. He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms securely around her. His wings flapped and picked them both off the ground effortlessly, then they flew off, no trace of them left behind besides the destruction and injuries.

"Kaminari, call for help."


Not long after Kaminari called for help, help arrived in the form of a few teachers from UA along with some heroes who had agencies nearby.

Tokoyami had woken up by then and got his quirk back, he was unharmed physically and mentally. Turns out Bakugo was the worst off out of everyone in the class, his shoulder needing surgery to heal properly.

But the class was safe, and that's what mattered.

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