7 || "Let the hunt begin."

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Puppets P.O.V.

I counted the seconds that passed in my head as I waited.

'16... 17... 18...'

'Did I give her too much time?' Nah, it's at least a two and a half minute run if the average person was running as fast as they could. My quirk did little to enhance my physical ability which is why I had trained myself to become much faster over my years as a villain. It payed off and now I could easily chase down my victims and outrun pro heroes, so long as they didn't have an advanced speed-enhancing quirk.

'23... 24... 25...'

If Kyoka Jiro was smart (she did go UA after all) she would try to take the fastest possible route to UA, which would take her through the intricate alleyways behind a bunch of buildings and out of sight. Not exactly the safest for her, but it was her best chance.


I smiled to myself, "Let the hunt begin."

Kyoka Jiro's P.O.V.

As I was running through the alleys I felt like I was prey being hunted by a predator, in fact, that's exactly what I was. By now I was sure that my thirty second head start was over, I had to be alert now.

I didn't know how close I was to the exit of this maze so I quickly slowed down, I had to take this risk. I stopped along a cement wall and plugged one of my earphone jacks into it. Using my heartbeat, I was able to map out what remaining alleys I had left to run through. I was close to the end, not including this one I only had two more short alleys to run through before I would come out right in front of the school gates. I could win.

I jumped as a throwing knife landed in the wall next to my head, I spun around and saw Puppet Master less than three yards away from me. I felt a stinging pain on my right cheek, the knife had shallowly cut me.

What could I do? Puppet Master was way too close for comfort, if she were any closer my chances of escaping would dwindle down to nothing. I looked to my right at the direction I needed to go, I ran for it.

I turned the corner quickly into the next alley and made it about halfway down it before several strings wrapped around my waist, also catching my right arm.

As soon as the strings had a hold of me, I was flung to the left wall of the alley. I collided with the wall, the left side of my ribcage taking the full impact.

"GAHH!" I yelled in pain as I fell to the ground. My ribs felt broken, or at least fractured and I felt a warm liquid flowing from the top of my head. Somehow I wasn't dead yet so I clutched my left side with my left hand trying to nullify the pain as I stood up and kept running.

I made it to the last alley and saw the light of day and the street at the end, I was so close. A string that resembled a whip lashed through my right leg. I fell against the right wall of the alley and bit my bottom lip so I didn't scream from the pain. I pushed myself up with my right arm and used the wall to limp slowly towards the exit of the alley. The adrenaline going through my veins was the only reason I was still standing.

My mind became foggy and black dots started to fill my vision. 'Dammit Kyoka, not yet. Just go a little farther, don't look back.' I pushed myself out of the alley and out onto the street. I turned slowly, I was only yards away from the gate. My vision started to become blurry but I could still see well enough to see Present Mic standing in front of the gate. I limped towards him as fast as I could.

A/N: Present Mic is a cockatiel in its human form. Change my mind.

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