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Third Person P.O.V.

Tokoyami's eyes slowly opened. Once he gathered back his memories of what transpired beforehand, he decided that his first course of action should be to get a bearing on where he was.

All he remembered was that he was taken and knocked out by Puppets souls. He didn't know what happened to Eraser Head nor Asui or Midoriya, but he hoped that they were safe and unharmed.

He currently was sitting against a tree with his hands tied behind his back by Puppets black strings along with his arms and ankles tied together to keep him in place.

"Heya, kid."

Tokoyami looked up, standing a few yards away from him was Hawks.

"..Hawks?" He asked, his voice still sounding a bit groggy after waking up from the sedative. He didn't panic, Hawks was someone he knew and felt relatively safe in the presence of. Even though he was considered a villain, he really didn't think Hawks would harm him, otherwise he would've been injured by now.

"What happened to my quirk?" He asked noticing he still didn't feel Dark Shadow.

"It's been temporarily removed." Hawks shrugged, "It's really just a safety precaution. Think of it as you being strong enough to spook a guy like me." He pointed to himself, then he changed the topic. "You're not hurt are you?"


Hawks nodded in approval.

"Why.. Why am I here?" Tokoyami asked his second question.

"I wanted to see how you were doing."

Hawks thought to himself for a moment. "You know what kid? Let's go for a walk."

Tokoyami felt the strings holding his hands behind his back get cut by one of Hawks' feathers. The feather then did the same with the strings tied around his arms and ankles.

Tokoyami stood up. He didn't try to run, he knew Hawks would easily catch him. He currently couldn't fight back, even if he did have his quirk, Hawks was much more skilled than him.

Hawks started to walk away and Tokoyami followed, walking beside the winged man and matching his pace.

As the two walked Hawks started asking questions. "How've you been doing in the hero course? These days UA's tight-lipped."

"I'm adequate. One of the top, though I could be better." Tokoyami responded.

Hawks reached out and pat Tokoyami on the back in a friendly manner. "You always strive to be better, Tokoyami. Never change."

"Hawks, can I ask you something?"

"Ask away."

"Why did you switch sides?"

That question made Hawks' thoughts momentarily come to a halt. He hadn't really expected this question from someone as stoic as Tokoyami.

Hawks thought for a moment before he answered, "It was really a series of events. I saw something in a villain, then I was suspected to be a turncoat and was betrayed. One thing led to another and now I'm here, there isn't really any going back."

"I'm sure you can try." Tokoyami tried to persuade. He really did think Hawks was redeemable.

"That's not how it works, kid." Hawks told him, "I'm a villain now, and it's getting harder to see me as any different."

Hawks sighed. "Right, I think the time we have for our little meet-together is about up. I've said all I wanted to say."

Puppet came darting out of the tree line and towards Tokoyami. He went to run, but she caught him easily and pulled him to her. She hooked her arms around him to keep him in place.

She had a white cloth in her hand. She raised it up and clamped it over Tokoyami's beak.

Tokoyami's immediate thought was to not breathe in, so he held his breath. He tried to make it as difficult for Puppet as possible, thrashing around and moving as much as he could.

Puppets P.O.V.

Tokoyami struggled in my grasp but I wrapped my strings around him to keep him still while I held the chloroform cloth over his airways.

"Shh, shh, shh.." I whispered to him, "Go to sleep."

I looked up at Hawks. He looked emotionless, but I knew him better than that. I knew that some part of him wanted to help this kid.

I turned my attention back to Tokoyami. I watched the boy's chest as it began to rise and fall. I smiled, he had given in and was breathing in the chloroform from the cloth.

After a minute he slowly fell limp in my arms and I unwrapped him from my strings, lowering him down and laying him on the ground.

I ran my hand across his raven-black feathers, smoothing them out since they had become ruffled from his futile struggles against me. His feathers looked pointy when in reality they were really soft.

"We're gonna give him back right?" Hawks asked, kneeling down beside me.

I shrugged, "If you want, there's no reason to take him as a hostage. If you want him to live I suggest you give him back."

"Then I guess that's what we're gonna do." He reached out and picked up the teen, carrying him in his arms.

"You coming?" He asked me.

I shrugged, "Might as well."

A/N: Help, for some reason autocorrect didn't like Hawks' name and did this:

A/N: Help, for some reason autocorrect didn't like Hawks' name and did this:

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