51 || Surprise

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—Three Days Later 10:14pm—

Puppets P.O.V.

Most of the members in the League had been lying low for the past days, most. I had killed a few people to get souls.

Right now I was walking around getting some fresh air. It was a cooler night so I had put on a long black coat over my villain costume. The coat hid all but my head and boots.

Right as I passed just this random side alley a gloved hand suddenly shot out and covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming, not that I would have. If anything I almost laughed, who would have the audacity to attack me of all people?

'I mean it's a free soul, so I won't complain.'

I humored the stranger, letting them drag me into the alley. They grabbed my hood and pulled it over my head and most of my face to cover my eyes and almost all of my mask. They reached around my front and grabbed the two strands that connected to my hood and pulled on them, constricting the hood and forcing it to stay in place, serving as a blindfold.

The hand over my mouth briefly moved away only for a slightly damp cloth to replace it and suddenly be held over my nose and mouth. I was somewhat surprised, this person had chloroform.

Now I decided I had enough, I was done dealing with this. Just as I was about to make my move, the person spoke.

"Shh... just trust me, Puppet." The man said quietly, I recognized his laid back voice. Dabi.

'What the hell?' I questioned the situation I was in, 'What is he doing? And why the hell does he have a chloroform dowsed cloth over my airways?'

Dabi used his thumb to move the cloth from over my nose so that it now only covered my mouth. I could now breathe normal air and not chloroform.

"Grrermmph..." The growl that I let out was muffled by the cloth.

"Just stay quiet and trust me." Dabi said lowly, "Don't do anything."

He adjusted my position so he held my head against his shoulder. I could feel him turn me around. I didn't know where I was facing because of my hood over my eyes, I was completely disorientated. He took one of my wrists and moved it behind me, then he grabbed my other wrist with the same hand and held them both in a loose grip behind my back.

I was putting way to much of my trust in him, I was aware of that. I didn't know what he was doing, but the fact that he didn't either knock me unconscious nor completely restrain me was somewhat reassuring.

He walked me forward for a bit until he stopped me by pulling back on my wrists.

"Well I didn't think you'd actually do it." A deep masculine voice spoke.

"She got a name?" A second male voice asked.

"Her name's Fuyumi, you don't need to know her last name." Dabi answered.

'Fuyumi? Where'd he get that name from?' I wondered.

"How is she not out yet?" One of the men spoke.

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