116 || Cliff

310 22 3

Third Person P.O.V.

Eraser Head pushed himself off the tree.

His eyes looked to the ground — about halfway between him and Puppet — where his dagger had been tossed aside to earlier.

His eyes flicked back up to Puppet as she started to move. She ran behind a set of trees, breaking his line of sight.

And with that, she vanished.

He used whatever brief opportunity had to go for his dagger. He ran to it, a hand on his capture weapon just in case.

A string beat him to it. The string shot from the tree canopy, wrapping around the blade's handle. It jerked the weapon away and right into the trunk of a tree, the blade embedding deep into the wood.

Eraser Head looked to where the string came from, finding himself looking at Puppet.

She lightly shook her head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk.."

She shot strings towards the pile of throwing knives, the strings wrapping around the ends of a few of them. She swung the small blades at the hero.

The blades at first missed, going right past Eraser Head. Then, Puppet yanked on the strings and pulled them right back. Now, it was much harder for him to dodge. He managed to avoid a few of the blades, the ones he didn't dodge made shallow cuts through his arms and one of his legs.

Strings wrapped around his arms, pulling him off-balance. He quickly planted his feet into the earth, wrapping the strings around his arms further.

He tugged on the strings hard, and Puppet fell from her spot among the tree branches with a surprised yelp.

As she fell, Eraser Head jumped up crashed his foot into her back, sending her into the ground.

With that one hit, he ran.

As Puppet took a moment to regain herself and push herself up from the ground, Eraser Head sprinted away. If he could make it further into the campus, he could get some backup, because fighting her alone was not working.

As he ran, he noticed smoke and he realized something else; if he ran to get backup, he would be leading Puppet right to her comrades.

He cursed and skidded to a halt. He had to face her alone — for everyone else's sake.

He took in his surroundings, finding himself at the edge of tree line near a cliff.

Eraser Head activated his quirk as Puppet jumped out from brush at him. He caught her wrist as she swung a throwing knife at him.

He attempted to twist and kick her, but she quickly yanked her wrist out of his grip and jumped back.

He needed a weapon, a blade. He didn't have a dagger, but an idea popped into his head on how to get one.

Eraser Head dove to the ground, sliding briefly to get in close to Puppet. When she tried to kick at him with her left leg, he swiftly rolled to dodge.

With one of her feet off the ground, he quickly reached to her other boot and grabbed a hold of her dagger, pulling it from its hidden sheath. He jumped up, lifting the blade and plunging it deep into her stomach.

Puppet gave no reaction, in fact, the pain seemed to make her move quicker.

Before he could pull away, she grabbed the hand he had gripped onto the dagger with her own and forced him to keep his hold on its handle. With her other hand, she grabbed his forearm with an iron grip so he wouldn't be able to pull back. She took a step backwards towards the cliff, tugging him with her.

"Stop, I've just stabbed you!" He yelled, "are you insane?!"

She gave no response. He planted his feet firmly into the ground trying to prevent her from backing towards the cliff any further and pulling him with her.

Eraser Head was suddenly shoved from behind, causing him to lose his footing enough for Puppet to yank him forward once more. He quickly spared half a second to glance behind him.

There was a single soul. It had its arms outstretched as if it had just pushed someone, that someone being Eraser Head.

With a final tug towards the cliff, Puppet speedily let go of Eraser Heads forearm and grabbed a fistful of his hair. She yanked his head with a surprising amount of strength in the direction of the cliff. The hero's weight shifted along with his head in response, sending them both toppling over the edge.

It wasn't a far drop off the cliff, but it would be enough to kill someone if they were ill-prepared.

Almost instinctively, Eraser Head wrapped an arm securely around Puppet. He grabbed an end of his scarf and flung it up to wrap around a root sticking out the side of the cliff. The capture weapon wrapped tightly around the root.

The scarf snapped taught and abruptly halted their fall. Eraser Head let out a grunt and Puppet gave a sharp gasp.

Eraser Head took a moment to look down at the ground, preparing himself for a landing. He gave the fabric a firm tug and it came loose, dropping himself and Puppet.

Eraser Head landed hard in a crouched position. His scarf recalled back to around his neck and he took a deep breath before turning his attention to the woman in his grasp.

Puppet's grip had become loose, her whole body practically limp. She was only being held off the ground by Eraser Head's arm around her back and his hand supporting her head.

Her eyes were squinted and teary from pain. Her breaths had gone shallow, decreasing the pain to a minimum.

Seeing that she wouldn't—couldn't—fight, he deactivated his quirk, hair floating to rest on his shoulders.

"I'm not letting you hurt anyone else." He said, gripping the handle of the dagger. "I'm sorry, Puppet, but you're not avoiding this."

She shakily gasped as he pulled the blade from her stomach. Escaping blood started to soak into her sweater, making the black fabric turn to an even darker color.

Eraser Head slowly and gently lowered her to the ground so she was laying on her back, not hurting her any further. Once he placed her down, he stood up.

Despite her pain, Puppet wrapped one of her arms around the wound and curled in on herself. It decreased the pain, but barely.

"Y-You... yo-you're not supposed to.. not supposed to kill the vi-villain."

"Sorry to disappoint."

"No... you're n-not."

"You're right. I'm not."

Eraser Head looked down at her for a few long moments, contemplating. She wouldn't survive this — not without help. She wouldn't be able to stitch herself back together this time.

He couldn't bring himself to kill her, nor could he bring himself to help. In the confusion of battle, no one would know if he left her here to die.

Without letting himself think too deeply about it, he turned away, taking a few steps towards the nearby trees.

"What?" Her chuckle was forced. "No goodbye?"

He sighed, stopping for only a moment before continuing to walk away. "Goodbye, Puppet Master."

Puppet swallowed, as if it was setting in. She laid her head on the ground, trying her best not to break.

Her words were nearly a whisper. "Goodbye, Eraser Head."

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