87 || Catch

994 30 2

Hawks' P.O.V.

I started to fly backwards, one of my hands up to my chin. We'd been up in the air for a solid seven minutes now, there was no telling how far we were from where we took off. "Hmm, we're getting a bit farther away then I'd like. Let's start heading back." I decided.

"And how do you suppose I do that?" Puppet asked. She had a point. She might not be able to control the kite all the way back, and I didn't really want to test that theory.

I got an idea. "Let go, I'll catch you."

"I am not going to free-fall with only you around." She growled.

"Still with the trust issues? C'mon, I've saved you before." I reasoned. It was true, too. Not too long ago I saved her from Eraser Head and Present Mic when they had their successful escape attempt. If it weren't for me, she might not have made it out.

She fell silent, she seemed to be contemplating my proposal. It was almost as if I could see the cogs and gears turning in her mind.

She let out a heavy sigh, "Fine. You'd better catch me."

"I promise."

Her hands let go of the kite reins, one at a time until she was falling through the air down to the ground.

I let her fall for a bit. That was until she screamed out to me.


She was probably within 50 feet from the ground now and it was more than likely giving her a good scare. If I waited any longer it would be risky, and I wasn't going to leave that to chance.

And so, I folded my wings in and flew down at a high rate of speed to Puppet.

Puppets P.O.V.

It had been more than enough time, he should have caught me by now. I didn't know how close to the ground I was, but it had to be close at this point.

"HAWKS!!" I screamed.

I was helpless in mid-air and I was completely relying on him to catch me. Now I was actually worried that he hadn't yet, scared even.

Since I was falling back-first, I glanced back over my shoulder to see the ground. It was close, too close for comfort. My stomach twisted.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand went behind my back, instantly stopping my fall. My legs dangled in the air and my arms flinched up slightly at the startlement of finally being caught.

I let out a shaky exhale, my body still frozen stiff. He had actually caught me, he didn't let me fall to my death. That was way too close for my liking.

"Easy, Puppet... easy..." Hawks said as he lowered me slowly down to the ground. "I've got you."

"I've got you." Those words rang in my head as I focused on steadying my breathing.

Once my feet touched down on solid ground my legs folded under me. I had enough control over myself to keep myself from collapsing, but I still went to the ground. I just needed to sit down.

I could feel my body trembling, still shaken by the fall. That was at least a 200 foot drop, and he just had to wait until I fell 190 feet to catch me.

"You okay?" He asked me, coming a bit closer to me.

'I just fell 200 feet and you're asking me if I'm okay?' I rhetorically asked myself.

I sighed and just flopped against him.

I could tell he was surprised. His body tensed up and his wings jolted. But he relaxed and pulled me a bit closer, wrapping his arms around me.

He hummed, "Your heart's rocketing." I noticed he was holding my wrist, he was feeling my pulse.

"I wonder why." I responded, sarcasm lacing my words like poison.

"Yeah... I guess that was too close for your comfort. Sorry."

"Never do that again." I ordered.

"Yup, you have my word." He promised. "But I did catch you."

That's right, he did. "I suppose you want me to say thanks."

"It would be a nice bonus."

I smiled. "Thanks."

I closed my eyes and leaned against him, feeling my heart beat steady. For once in my life I wasn't thinking about crime, the League of Villains, or anything that would hinder me. I was just... happy. I felt free.

We sat in a lingering silence for a few minutes, it was nice.

"You good now?" He asked.

"Yeah." I pulled away and stood up, my legs actually holding me this time. "How long have we been gone? We did leave without anyone really noticing."

"Probably half an hour or so, considering the flight over here." He answered.

That wasn't so bad. But who knew what Shigaraki would want to do and when. He probably wanted us back at base, especially since so many heroes were looking for us.

Hawks stood up. "You wanna go back?"

"I don't have my phone on me, so it would probably be best." I didn't think I would be going out with Hawks today, so I did forget my phone. It was probably sitting on the nightstand in my room.

"Okay then. Let's go."

A few minutes later we were up in the sky, on our way back to the hideout.

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