44 || Tartarus

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—A Few Hours Later—

Third Person P.O.V.

"So, Eraser..." Puppet said catching Eraser Head's attention, "How long do you think these walls will hold me?"

Eraser Head stood up from his seat and walked up to the window, "Forever." He answered, "You're not getting out of Tartarus."

"You sound so sure." Puppet said standing up from her sitting position against the wall and walking up to the window so she could be face to face with the pro hero. Had there not been glass separating them, they would have been a mere three feet away from each other.

"Do you feel like telling me your name yet?" Eraser Head asked bitterly.

"No, no I don't." Puppet replied with a smug smile.

"Why are you here? I'm sure you have more important places to be." Puppet asked.

"I enjoy seeing you locked up and knowing that my hard work payed off." Eraser Head admitted with satisfaction.

"But at the cost of how many lives?"

Eraser Head stayed silent.

"Too many then." Puppet answered her own question, basically reading his mind.

"So you don't have anything to do back at UA? Do I mean more to you than your students?" Puppet asked playing with one of her strings in her left hand.

"No, and no."

"Speaking of UA..." A small smile appeared on Puppet's face, "I never asked, how is Kyoka Jiro doing?"

Rage bubbled up in Eraser Head, how dare she ask how one of the people she hurt is doing? He was able to keep a calm demeanor and answer her, "She is now fine, no thanks to you." He put his hands in his pockets.

Puppets smile widened, "Oh? But it is thanks to me, I let her live. I could have easily killed her if I wanted to."

Eraser Head said nothing in response.

"Struck a nerve did I?" Puppet asked.

Eraser Head turned and walked away, not wanting to stay on that subject. Before he reached the door Puppet said one last thing, "How would you feel if something happened to someone close to you?" She asked, "Say... someone like Present Mic for example, or possibly that child you've been fostering."

Eraser Head stiffened and looked over his shoulder back at Puppet, who was now leaning her side against the glass with her arms crossed.

"What?" He asked trying his best to keep calm.

Puppets P.O.V.

I smiled to myself, Eraser was too gullible and easy to manipulate.

"What do you mean?" Eraser growled as he made his way back towards me.

"How would you feel?" I repeated my question.

"Stop toying with me, what do you mean." He crossed his arms and glared at me, making eye contact. His eyes started to glow red, his hair floated up into the air and his scarf hovered around his neck.

I smirked at his attempt to intimidate me. 'Intimidation doesn't work on me, especially when it's you trying to do it.'

I pushed myself off the wall and shrugged. "You wanted to know what the League would be doing... well I just told you. We still want the kid, and you can't be two places at once."

Erasers eyes widened as he processed my words, he deactivated his quirk and started to run to the door to leave.

"Better hurry, Eraser Head. You're the only one who knows and can help them." I said as he left the room shortly after.

I turned around and sat back against the wall. I looked up at the ceiling, 'Better hurry guys, I can only buy so much time.'

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

As I was running through the halls of Tartarus Prison trying to get to the exit as quickly as possible, I pulled out my phone and dialed Hizashi's number then put the phone up to my ear.

'Pick up, pick up your god damn phone Yamada!'

"Aizawa?" Yamada's voice asked through the phone.

"Where's Eri?!" I demanded.

"Chill out dude, she right here with me in the dorms."

"It that Mr. Eraser? Can I say hi?" Eri's voice could be heard in the background. I breathed a sigh of relief, they were safe, at least for now.

"Hi, Mr. Eraser!" Eri said cheerfully.

"Hi, Eri. Can you give the phone back to Mic? I really need to talk to him." I said trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Sure, here you go!" She exclaimed.

"What's up, Aizawa?" Yamada came back to the phone.

"Mic, get Eri and hide somewhere, now." I ordered.

"Wait, what's going on?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Just do it." I said sternly, "And don't move from that spot until I call you again."

"Okay. I don't know what's going on but okay." Yamada said.

"Goodbye." I responded then ended the call.

'Please let them be safe when I next see them...' I hoped.

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