19 || Mission

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Puppets P.O.V.

"I have a job for the three of you." Shigaraki stated.

"Cool! What're we doing?" Twice exclaimed.

"Some people owe us some money, we're sending you three to retrieve it." Shigaraki answered handing a small slip of paper to Compress. "That's the address, now get going."

"What happens if they put up a fight?" Twice asked.

"Kill them, Puppet can have their souls." Shigaraki said shooing us away with his hand.

"Free souls, I'll take it." I said with a slight smile and a shrug.

"Good luck." Kurogiri said still cleaning the glass in his hand.

All three of us exited the bar and stood in the side alley.

"So where to?" I asked.

Compress looked at the slip of paper in his hand. Twice looked over Compress' shoulder to see the paper as well. I just stood there waiting for an answer.

"238 Crimson Road." Compress said aloud.

"Let's go! Let's get this over with."

After a bit of walking we arrived at the house, turns out Crimson Road was deserted and barely anyone lived in the houses, not to mention the road was made of trampled dirt. 238 was the last house on the road.

Compress was the first to walk up to the door of the house followed by me and Twice. "Just let me do the talking." He stated.

Compress knocked on the door twice and it opened a moment after. The man that opened the door was dressed in a white button-up shirt and grey sweatpants (wtf is this outfit lol) he seemed a bit overweight. His facial features weren't all that impressive, tan skin with a shallow beard that matched his head of shaggy brown hair and blue eyes.

"And who are you?" The man asked with a slight edge to his voice.

"We are part of the League of Villains, we came to collect what you owe us." Compress responded while leaning a bit on his cane.

The man spared each of us a glance, when his gaze landed on me he made a surprised expression but it quickly faded as he turned back to Compress.

"Come inside." He said as he opened the door wider so we could all walk through. We all filed inside and the man closed the door behind us.

"Sit." The man said gesturing to a brown leather couch in the middle of the room. In front of the couch there was a wooden coffee table.

"Okay. Don't tell me what to do!" Twice said as we all walked over to the couch. I sat on the far right side of the couch, Twice sat on the left, and Compress sat between us. The couch was big enough that we weren't cramped.

"Aki! Get the case!" The man called into another room.

"Why?" Was a response that called back.

"Just do it will ya?!"

Four other men walked into the room and stood there just staring at us. It was a bit awkward.

It took a moment before another guy walked in with a black case in his hand. He placed the case on the table and opened it. The case was filled with yen, it looked to be somewhere around 5 million.

Compress reached for the case, "We'll take this and be in our way." He said.

Before he could touch it the man who opened the case closed it again. "Will give it to you if you give us her for a night." He looked directly at me with his piercing red eyes, they kinda reminded me of Shigaraki's.

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