108 || Students Fight Back

449 21 3

Puppets P.O.V.

Two of the four students I was facing were class 1-A students; Kirishima and Tokoyami. The third kid was a student of class 1-B, I recognized him from the training camp, it was the kid that looked like a bug and had some sort of blade quirk. The fourth was a kid that looked to be older with short indigo hair, he had on a white cape with a hood. The fingers of his right hand seemed to sprout into tentacles and his left hand looked like a clam shell.

My gaze was fixated on the older kid since his quirk and fight style were still a mystery to me. He had animal characteristics, I didn't know how many animals he could replicate at a time. He was the most dangerous, no question about it.

'So their plan was to split us all up and pick us off...' They probably matched the students up with League members so they could counter our quirks.

In the moments that I contemplated, the four young heroes started to encircle me between them.

My gaze drifted to all of them, and my focus lingered on the the bug-like kid.

I jumped forward at the young hero, landing within arm's reach of him.

"I know what you can do." I said speedily. "And I don't feel like dealing with it."

Without giving him a chance to take action, I ejected a throwing knife into my hand and plunged it into his side.

He yelled out and tired to slice at me with a blade sprouting from his forearm. I jumped back to avoid being hit.

I threw out a string and caught the hilt of my throwing knife still in his side and yanked it out. I used the string to flick the knife back into my hand.

I heard a sound and looked to my side. I found that Kirishima had started charging at me with his arms shielding his face.

I looked back at the bug teenager and saw his stance falter as his attention turned to his injury. I used his distraction to my advantage and coiled a string around his leg. I quickly swung the string and threw the kid at the redhead.

The two hit together and their heads crashed against each other. Kirishima stumbled but caught the bug-like teen in his arms. Once he had caught him, he ran back to where both the older teen Tokoyami were standing.

Kirishima placed the bug kid down carefully onto the grass, finding that he had fallen unconscious. He stood up straight and looked back at me.

"Remember, she moves a lot like Mr. Aizawa." He said to the two standing beside him. "We've gotta be careful about her speed."

I pressed my lips into a line and narrowed my eyes. 'They've done their research. This won't be easy then.'

The eldest kid looked down at the bug, then at the two other uninjured teens.

"Tend to his wounds. I'll protect you." He told them.

"Will you now?" I asked mockingly.

He looked at me with a glare. "Yes, I will."

The ends of the tentacles morphed and sprouted spiky yellow fruits with green stalks.

'Pineapples?! He can replicate plants too?!'

He swung the combination of tentacles and pineapples around like maces, forcing me to keep my distance from him.

I pulled my dagger from my boot and dodged a few of the attacks, getting in closer.

When I got close, he changed his attack pattern. Before I could slash at him, he pivoted, kicking me in the stomach with a foot that resembled a birds.

The kick sent me into the air, making me loose my footing. Almost immediately after the kick, I was grabbed by the large tentacles that had sprouted from the guys fingers. I grabbed at the tentacles, trying to pry them off, but his grip on me was too strong.

He swung me down hard at the ground. That would really hurt, and possibly take me out for the count. There was no way I could let that happen.

I lashed out with strings from both my hands. One hand had razor sharp strings, the other, only dull. I wrapped the dull strings around a nearby branch and the razor sharp ones around the tentacles.

I first pulled on the sharp strings, slicing through the tentacles. They fell from around my figure and to the ground in bloody chunks, freeing me. Then I yanked on the dull strings around the branch, pulling myself into the cover of the tree branches.

"You're strong, kid, I'll give you that.." I grumbled. "But I'm done playing nice."

"If you think that I've gone all out then you're wrong." He hissed back at me.

His arm started to morph from tentacles into a swordfish.

So it was just a sword, there's nothing special about that; a sword is only as good as its wielder.

Unfortunately, the wielder of this sword turned out to be skilled. He cut through all my strings with ease, and I couldn't get in close because he would just stab me.

I ejected throwing knives into my hand and tossed them at him. His hand morphed into a clam and used it to shield himself from the hit.

With his focus diverted to my throwing knives, I was a able to wrap strings around one of his legs.

His eyes went wide and he shifted in alarm.

Before he could retaliate, I yanked him forward threw and him at the nearest tree. He slammed back-first into it hard, his head hitting the trunk and bark. He slumped to the ground in a sitting position, his head bobbing forward. All of the characteristics from his quirk faded and he looked like a normal teenager, probably late teens, though.

Quickly to make sure he wasn't going to get in my way, I wrapped my strings around the trunk of the tree, tying him up with it. My strings were so tight around him that if he came back to consciousness, he would barely be able to move if at all.

"Suneater!" The kid with spiky red hair yelled, causing my attention to shift to him. He started to run at me, his fist wound back in preparation for a punch.

I easily dodged his first punch and his second, then jumped away, getting out of his fists range. I managed to wrap some strings around his arm but they snapped against the jagged edges of his hardened skin.

'So that's why he was matched against me.' I deduced. 'When his quirk is active, he can break my strings.'

I backed up, he would be a hard match if his skin was impenetrable. But he was also slow, and this kind of quirk always has some sort of physical limit. 'How long will he last?'

It took many strings and a few minutes before Kirishima started to tire and Tokoyami stepped into the fight.

My focus had to shift again as the redhead got distance from me and Tokoyami's quirk swatted at me to keep me from chasing the first teen.

"Back away!" The bird-like teen yelled.

I jumped back as the shadow lashed out with a claw. It kept swinging again and again as I used the opportunity to give myself a small break from attacking. I could tell that they were trying to stall me, so I stayed alert.

Eventually, the shadowy quirk landed a hit and knocked me to the side. It didn't knock me back too far, but I very nearly bumped into a tree.

From the shadows of the tree behind me, something pounced onto me from behind and strong jagged arms locked tightly around my arms and midriff.

I bashed my foot back into their leg, but it did nothing, they didn't budge and the hold on me didn't loosen. It felt like I had kicked a rock.

"I've got her! Do it, Tsukuyomi!!"

The gothic teenager jumped forward and raised his arms. "Now, Dark Shadow!"

I looked up and watched a monstrous shadow creature form. Tokoyami brought his arms down and his monster of a quirk charged right at me with a deafening roar.


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