17 || Lunch

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—Sunday at 12:30pm—

Puppets P.O.V.

I heard a clink sound coming from my window and I looked at the glass to see a vermillion feather on the other side.

I felt a frown on my face, 'What the hell does he want this time?'

I opened the window and the feather flew up to the roof. I rolled my eyes, 'Does he really think I'll go up there?'

I closed the window and went to sit back down on my bed. A few seconds later an actual knock came from my window. I saw Hawks hovering upside down and looking in at me, he was waving.

I got up and went to my window and opened it again. "What the hell do you want Hawks?" I demanded, I wanted him to stop bothering me.

Hawks' P.O.V.

"Whatcha doing right now?" I asked back.

"Nothing. Now what do you want?" She stated plainly.

"I want you to come with me somewhere." I responded.

"No." She said firmly.

"Awww come on, why not?" I asked.

"Because I said no."

That's too bad for her, I wasn't going to take no for an answer. Puppet was leaning out of her window to talk to me, I saw this as my chance. I grabbed her arms and pulled her out the window.

"What the hell?!" She screamed as I caught her in my arms.

"You're gonna come with me anyway." I looked at her with a smile. I quickly flew up and got us away from her window so she couldn't jump back into it.

"Hawks, put me the fuck down." Puppet said with warning in her tone. Luckily we were already where we needed to be. 'I am too fast.'

"Okay." I said as I placed her down on the hidden rooftop.

Puppets P.O.V.

Hawks placed me down onto a rooftop hidden by other tall buildings that surrounded us. There was a white table with two matching chairs in the center of the roof. 'What the hell is this?' I asked myself.

"Pick a seat." Hawks said from beside me.

"Why?" I demanded.

"I brought us some lunch."

'Nope.' I spun on my heels to leave and jump off the roof but Hawks grabbed my hand.

"Please?" He begged in a rather cute tone.

"Let go." I ordered. He hesitated before letting go of my hand.

I sighed. Hawks probably wasn't gonna let me go without bugging me for a while afterwards. "Fine." I agreed. I turned around and sat down in one of the chairs at the table. Hawks looked pleased.

One of Hawks' feathers flew a take out box down and placed it in front of me. "Do you like chicken kabobs?" Hawks asked.

"Sure." I answered. I didn't really care much.

"Good." Hawks sat down in the chair opposite from me in front of his own take out box.

We ate in silence and at some point Hawks flew a couple of glasses of water down with his feathers. The kabobs were actually decent, they were made of grilled chicken and some vegetables. I had no idea where Hawks got the food but I didn't particularly care, Kurogiri cooks for the League most of the time and what he makes is good.

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