5 || Three New Souls

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Puppets P.O.V.

It was a bit before 7:00 in the morning as I was running across rooftops to try to find the unlucky people who were going to become the newest souls added to my arsenal. The prestigious high school, UA was in view of where I was, I forgot how big it was. If I was correct, the school opened to students at 7:00 and officially started at 7:15, since it was Thursday I would have to drop by to say hello to the teachers and maybe a few students.

I slowed my pace when I heard a few male voices coming from a nearby alleyway to my right. I walked over and began to make out their conversation.

"Yes, take it god dammit." A deep voice said.

"Don't shove it into me, there are a lot of dollar bills! The band could have broke!" Another voice answered in an annoyed tone.

'Sounds like a drug deal.' I scoffed.

"That sounds like a you problem."

"Shut up you jackass!"

Once I got to the edge of the alley, I looked down at who was there. There were three men in the alley, two were on the left side and the third was on the right. The alley itself had a narrow entrance/exit leading out to a street with small apartment buildings. The area within the alley made up for the narrow entrance, it was big and hidden enough to be called a perfect spot for shady deals. The man on the right was counting a large stack of money while one of the men on the left was holding a high quality plastic bag in his hand.

"Keep it down. Its morning hours, someone could hear us." Said the third voice, he sounded nervous.

I jumped down into the back of the alley and landed on my feet with a thump, my boots absorbing most of the impact. "Too late." I said as I smiled.

The three men looked down at me, the one on the right looked shocked, the two on the left had expressions of shock mixed with fear, 'Those two know who I am.'

"Shit, who's this chick?!" The man on the right asked taking a step away from me.

The man on the left who was not holding the bag stumbled backwards and started to run towards the exit of the alley. I shot a string out of my left hand and wrapped it around his left leg, pulling it out from under him. He fell forward and fell flat on his face. He quickly propped himself up on his arms and looked back at his leg that my string was wrapped around, blood quickly dripping out his nose, it was obviously broken. He looked back at me in horror.

The smile on my face grew to the point where it could only be described as demonic, "Not trying to escape now are we?" I asked tilting my head to the side, intentionally increasing how creepy I was.

"Who the hell are you?!" The man asked the same question as before just worded differently.

"Shut up you idiot!" The man holding the bag yelled at the other, "That's the villain Puppet Master!"

"He's correct." I answered, confirming my villain identity. In less than a second, another string came from my left hand and wrapped itself up and around the man with the bag in a spiral shape. Before the poor man knew what was happening, I pulled on the string. The man's body was cut cleanly into chunks and they hit the ground, spurting blood. The blood pooled on the ground, the amount growing every second. The bag was beyond saving as it was now covered in blood, I had no intention of taking it anyway. A wispy white light rose from and hovered above the chunks of what once was a person, his soul.

The man to the right of me dropped the money from his hands onto the ground and pulled a handgun on me.

I smirked, "A gun is all you've got? How disappointing."

I let a string come from my right hand and it sliced through the air like a whip, cutting the man's hand that had the gun clean off, the blood that came out was blue.

"Aghhh-!" His scream of agony was cut short as I kicked him against the wall of the alley and threw the dagger from my boot straight through his chest, killing him instantly.

I pulled the blade from his chest and slid it back into my right boot, his body fell to the ground. Another white light rose from the man's crumpled body, 'That's soul number two of three.'

I turned to the third man who was now trying to army crawl his way out of the alley. I pulled on the string that I still had gripped in my left hand. The man whimpered like an injured dog as I dragged him by his ankle back towards me. Looking at him now, he looked younger than the other two men who were now dead and in pools of their own blood.

I pulled the man until he was a foot away from me. I dropped the string in my hand to the floor and stepped on it with the heel of my left boot, ensuring he didn't go anywhere.

The man covered his broken and bloody nose with his hands and clenched his eyes shut, probably waiting for death. I heard him whisper under his breath, "Please don't kill me." Streams of tears stained his face and mixed with the blood.

"What's your quirk?" I asked.

The man opened his eyes and looked up at me, obviously confused as to why I hadn't killed him yet.

"Well? What is it?" I asked again.

"I-Illuminate." He answered with a shaky and scared voice, "I c-can illuminate a dark area surrounding my body."

'A pretty much useless quirk.' I thought to myself, 'I mean unless you're in a place that's devoid of all light.'

I didn't give him any warning, I just lashed out a string and slit his throat. A third white light rose from his body. I grabbed his soul, it burned out like a flame in my hand, that meant that it was now mine to use when I needed it. I grabbed the other two souls that were hovering above the other men, carefully stepping around the blood.

'I have fourteen souls now, I would prefer to have more, but I'll do that later...'

I shot a bunch of strings out of my right hand up to the place where I had jumped down into the alley from. The strings twined together into a thicker string that was easier to hold onto, the strings impaled themselves into the rooftop above the alley. I manipulated the strings like a grappling hook to propel me up and onto the roof.

'...right now I want to say hi to UA.'

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