46 || Break Out

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Third Person P.O.V.

"She hasn't moved in the last few hours." Kurogiri informed looking at the tracking device.

"Compress, we're sending you to get her." Shigaraki said pointing to the man with a showman personality.

"Alright." Mr. Compress accepted.

"I will open a warp gate to her location when you are ready." Kurogiri said.

"Compress wait!" Hawks called to him.

Mr. Compress sighed and turned around to face the winged man.

Hawks shuffled around in his pockets and pulled out the necklace Puppet told him to give to Mr. Compress. Mr. Compress' head slightly turned as he looked at the necklace in Hawks' gloved hand.

"She told me to give this to you." Hawks held out the necklace for him to take.

Mr. Compress swiftly took the necklace from Hawks' hand and gripped it in his own. He let out a heavy sigh through his nose. Without compressing it, he slid the necklace carefully into his pocket.

"Kurogiri, open a warp gate. I'm ready to get Puppet back." Mr. Compress commanded the warp villain.

Puppets P.O.V.

A very recognizable purple warp gate opened in the middle of the cell. I stood up expecting someone to walk through. Indeed someone did come through, it was Compress.

"Took you long enough." I said with a smile.

"Your mask..." Compress started.

"I'll live."

Compress was one of the very few people who had ever seen me without my mask, that just goes to show how much I actually trust him.

"Here." Compress took a blue marble out of his pocket and snapped his fingers. The marble decompressed into his blank white mask and he held it out to me.

"Thanks." I took the mask from his hand and placed it over my face.

'How do you breathe in this thing?' I questioned. The mask was a tad big for my face but I wouldn't be wearing it for long.

"Now, let's get you out of here, my dear." Compress said as he gently grabbed my hand and led me through the warp gate.

Third Person P.O.V.

Both Puppet and Mr. Compress came out the other side of the warp gate, and it closed after they were through.

In an instant, Puppet was engulfed in a hug by Hawks. Soon most of the others joined the now group hug, the only ones who didn't join in were Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and Dabi. Even Toga hopped her way over on her one good leg to join in.

"It's getting hard to breathe." Puppet let out in a high pitch, the others were squeezing her too tight. It didn't help that she wasn't an overly affectionate person and wasn't much of a hugger.

"Oops." Magne was the first to break out of the hug, followed by Twice, Toga, then Hawks, and Mr. Compress.

"Well? What happened in Tartarus?" Shigaraki asked Puppet.

"For starters, they took my mask."

"I can see that."

"Hey, hey!" Twice caught the room's attention, "I can help with that!" He held up a mask that was identical to Puppet's old one. He handed it to her.

Puppet took the mask, "Thanks." She turned away to face a wall, hiding her face from view. She took off the mask Mr. Compress had given her, replacing it with the one from Twice. She turned back around to the group and handed Mr. Compress his mask back and he compressed it, putting it in his pocket.

"What else happened?" Kurogiri asked.

"They interrogated me, they got little out of it though." Puppet explained.

"Good to know you're stubborn." Twice commented.

"Yeah... I guess." Puppet said back, "But in all seriousness, how did the heroes find us?"

"I'm willing to bet someone sold us out." Toga spoke up.

"Well let's think, who wasn't here today?" Mr. Compress inquired.

Kurogiri started to answer, "Giran- though he wasn't obligated to show, but the chance of him selling us out is low to none. The other that wasn't here was-"

"Spinner." Shigaraki finished in a growl.

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