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Eraser Head's P.O.V.

"Puppet Master is in the area." A voice came through my earpiece.

"Where?" I asked sternly.

"She's blocking us from getting to the rest of the villains. We're right on the front line."

"I'm on my way."

Puppets P.O.V:

The hero's fought off my souls. Some heroes fell, others didn't. There were at least two dozen souls. A good portion of the souls were being destroyed, the ones responsible for most of them being Endeavor with his flames, Fat Gum with his hugging technique, and Ryuku with her powerful claws.

I was watching from within a half-destroyed building. I had slipped away after I summoned my souls.

I held back the urge to jump down from my hiding spot and grab the souls of the fallen heroes, but I couldn't unless I wanted to reveal myself. I had a headache and was somewhat fatigued from using too many souls. I hadn't used all my souls yet, I still had 13 left, but as soon as they were used, I would be out.

I heard a sound behind me and I quickly turned my head to see what caused it.

A large fist came flying at me and I put my arms up as a defense. The fist collided with my arms and the blow threw me back into a wall hard, knocking the wind out of me. I clenched my eyes shut at the pain in my back.

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw another fist come right at me. I threw myself off the wall and dove out of the way just in time to dodge the attack.

"I've got her." A man's voice said.

I looked at who the person that attacked me was. It was a somewhat strong hero, the Fist Hero: Quick Fist. His quirk was that his arms and hands could morph and stretch quickly to the size and length he wants them too. It was quite problematic in this situation.

His giant hand quickly reached out at me, trying to catch me. I shot strings from my fingertips and wrapped them around his hand along with his fingers.

My fingers shook as they strained to hold the large hand back.

Quick Fist's other hand shot out at me but I dodged. I summoned three souls. They swirled around me and became wispy white entities.

'Kill.' I instructed them.

The souls charged at Quick Fist. The first thing they did was break the bones in his arms to rid his quirk from the things to worry about. He yelled out in pain, it was music to my ears.

I relaxed my fingers, releasing the strings from my hands. I walked over to where my souls were beating the hero to death. I heard a sickening crunch and soon after Quick Fist's soul rose from his corpse, I grabbed it.

I released the three souls around me and they all faded into nothingness.

I counted up the souls I still had, '11'

I moved over to another building and looked out at the battlefield, my souls were still doing a number on the heroes.

My chest suddenly started to hurt I clutched right below my collarbone to try and decrease the pain.

I turned around and watched as a middle-aged man in a dark red hero costume rounded the corner. It was the Heart Hero: Heartburn. He had his hand up next to his ear, I could make out an earpiece.

"I found her." He said.

Heartburn slowly approached me and the pain in my chest grew the closer he got. I stumbled back a few feet and caught myself on a piece of rubble to steady myself. I turned and released two souls at him.


The two souls rushed at Heartburn. They worked together and tackled him to the ground.

The pain in my chest faded and I regained my composure. I walked up to Heartburn who was struggling to get up while my souls held him down. I used my strings and strung Heartburn up like a marionette.

The pain in my chest appeared again and I flinched at his attempt to intimidate me.

"Release me." He demanded.

"No." I replied bluntly, my words were strained because of his quirk.

I walked up next to him and took the earpiece out of his ear. I created another string and wrapped it around his neck as a warning.

"Deactivate your quirk." I spoke darkly.

"Or what."

'This man is so full of himself.' I thought, "Or you die quicker."

I felt the pain subside and knew that he complied. I smiled at his cooperation.

I released the two souls that had helped me and they dissolved into thin air.

'9' I mentally counted how many souls I had left.

I reached up and rubbed my temples with my hands, my headache had become slightly worse and though I didn't really show it, I had become tired from using too many souls. I shook it off and placed the earpiece in my own ear.

"Heartburn come in, answer. What's your location?" I recognized the voice as Ryuku's.

I smiled and decided to play around a bit.

"Heartburn is with me at the moment and I don't think he'll last long." I spoke.

"Puppet Master.." She said sounding somewhat surprised.

"Puppet Master, release him." Edgeshot's voice now said.

"That's not for you to deci- agh!" I got cut off as the pain in my chest abruptly increased to the point where it felt like I lost my breath. I dropped to the floor clutching my chest again as I gasped.

"SOUTH! SOUTH BUILDING LINE!!" Heartburn yelled loud enough that I was sure the earpiece picked it up.

The pain disappeared again and I stood up.

"That was a mistake." I growled to Heartburn as I approached him.

"We'll see." He replied, looking straight into my eyes, it seemed like there was not a single hint of fear in him.

I grabbed the string around his neck and pulled on it hard, snapping the bones in his neck and killing him. His soul rose from his body and I grabbed it.


I took the earpiece out of my ear and dropped it to the ground without a care. I stomped on it with the heel of my boot, breaking it.

'Time to move.' I told myself.

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