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—Time skip to 11:30pm–

Hawks' P.O.V.

Everyone was looking at their individual folders of information when the door opened and a weak Puppet Master practically fell through the door. She looked bad, her usually beautiful black and white hair was now soaked with blood, too much blood for her to be anything but weak. She stumbled into the middle of the room before she completely collapsed to the ground. No one in the room moved for a few seconds, we were all shocked to see her in this state.

"Puppet!" Mr. Compress got up from his seat and ran to her side, kneeling down beside her, "What happened?!"

"Dabi, watch the door." Shigaraki instructed. Dabi went and stood right next to the door.

I ran next to Mr. Compress, he had pulled her nearly unconscious body into his arms and was propping her head up.

"Kurogiri get the first aid." Shigaraki ordered.

Kurogiri was already out of the room probably looking for the first aid to help Puppet. The others in the room weren't doing anything, they were just staring down at Mr. Compress and Puppet.

"Go help find first aid, I'll take her for you." I said to Mr. Compress. He hesitated for a moment but then let me kneel down next to him and he gently handed Puppet to me before he got up and ran out of the room.

I propped Puppet up against my knee and checked to see if she was unconscious, she was. I then checked for a pulse by picking up her left wrist and putting two of my fingers on it, she had an even pulse. I looked to see how bad her head was, I put my gloved fingers through her hair and parted it to go evenly to each side of her head so I could see her injury. It looked bad, the back of her head was cracked and bleeding, it was a wonder she made it back here from wherever she was at.

Kurogiri ran back into the room with Mr. Compress behind him and over to us with a first aid kit in hand.

"We need to stop the bleeding from her head injury, that's the only major thing." I told them pointing to the back of her head.

Kurogiri opened the first aid kit and pulled out a long bandage along with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cloth. He held the cloth in his hand and poured some rubbing alcohol onto it then handed it to Mr. Compress. Mr. Compress carefully lifted Puppets head off of my knee and started to wipe off the blood staining the cloth in his hand bright red.

"What happened to her?" Toga asked.

"Do you think any of us know?" Shigaraki snapped.


The room stayed silent for a while as everyone stared at the unconscious and bloody Puppet Master.

I looked at her, her mask wasn't taken off. 'Probably out of respect.' I thought. But even then... 'Damn she's pretty when she's asleep, so peaceful.'

"Give me the bandage." Mr. Compress said. Kurogiri handed him the bandage and he began to wrap it around her head.

Once Mr. Compress finished wrapping the bandage around her head he picked her up bridal style. "I'll take her up to her room, which one is it?" He asked Kurogiri who had just stood up from the floor.

"Second door on the right." He responded.

Mr. Compress nodded to him and walked up the stairs with Puppet in his arms.

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