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Puppets P.O.V.

I was currently exploring around what the League was going to call our new hideout. Unlike the others who all started exploring around the first floor, I had gone all the way up to the third.

The third floor was basically just one long hallway where all the bedrooms were, each side of the hallway had seven rooms. The two rooms closest to the end of the hallway were both bathrooms, and they weren't in that bad of shape either. All the other rooms were bedrooms.

I had made my way to the bedroom on the right side at the end of the hall. It looked the same as all the rest of the bedrooms on the floor; a small room with a single bed and a window. I was probably going to claim this room for myself.

I heard footsteps out in the hallway and it caught my attention. I poked my head out into the hall and looked to see who it was. I was met with the sight of Mr. Compress.

"Ah, my dear. I was looking for you." He said.

"Okay, well I'm here." I said back.

Compress walked over to me and into the room I was in.

"I'm sorry, Puppet." He sighed as he pulled me into a hug. I just let him, realizing that he probably felt really bad about leaving me behind to fight off the heroes alone.

"This belongs to you." I felt him clip the chain of the tear necklace around my neck.

"Thanks for giving it back."

"It gave me a scare when Hawks said you were "buying us time"." He told me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Atsuhiro." I apologized, "I was the one who was in the best position to put myself between our group and the heroes."

"I just worry that I won't see you again." He admitted.

"We're villains, that's always a risk."

Compress' phone started to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket. He pressed the accept call button and put it up to his ear. I listened in.

"Find Puppet and get to the main room." I heard Shigaraki's voice come through the speaker of the phone. Then I heard the phone hang up.

Compress sighed, "Well I suppose we must go."

"I guess so."

Third Person P.O.V.

Everyone had made their way back to the main room. The reason they had all come back was because of one lingering question that hovered in each of their minds.

"So why not tell us your name since they took your mask and revealed your identity in Tartarus?" Dabi suggested to Puppet.

"Well they never figured out my identity, they only took my mask and saw my face. They ran my face through a scanner and couldn't find me." Puppet corrected.

"You'll still tell us though right?" Toga asked.

Puppet sighed, "Yeah, okay."

Everyone listened in, eager to hear the secret she had kept hidden for so long.

"My real name is Charlotte." Puppet revealed.

"But that's-" Toga started but was cut off by Puppet.

"American. I know." Puppet sighed, she was preparing herself to be bombarded with questions.

"You're from America?" Hawks asked.

"Originally yes."

"Well why'd you come here?" Magne asked.

"I wanted to start anew."

"Glad you came here! You should've stayed in America, this place is trash." Twice jumped in.

"America's trash too, you'll never convince me otherwise."

No one said anything for a moment.

"Well there, now you know." Puppet stated as she stood up, "By the way I claim the room on the third floor all the way back on the right."

Hawks' P.O.V.

Puppet started to walk away and went up the stairs that were located on the side of the room. I decided I would follow her.

I followed her all the way up to the third floor and to the room she said she had "claimed" for herself.

She was looking out the window of the room. The door of the room was already open but I decided to knock on it anyways to notify her that I was here.

"What do you want Hawks?" She asked without turning to face me. She wasn't using her normal more aggressive tone, it was softer.

I deployed a few of my feathers and glided them slowly over to her. She noticed them, but she didn't do anything about it. I moved my feathers behind her back and used them to gently push her forward and brought her closer to me.

I brought her right up to me and rested my hand beneath her jaw, tilting her head up to look at me and make eye contact.

"I like your name." I told her. It was the truth, thought her name was nice, it's sad she doesn't use it.

"The name is foreign to me." She said, "I hate it, it brings back unwanted memories and pai-"

I cut her off by letting my lips fall over her own in a gentle kiss, getting her to focus on something less depressing. After a moment she kissed me back, letting herself relax.

I pulled back, "Better?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah.." She breathed out.

I gave her another quick kiss then called all my feathers back to my wings.

"Imma go do some stuff, cya." I said.


With that I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me.

Before I could even let go of the doorknob, my arm was grabbed. I looked to see who had grabbed me and my eyes met with the mask of Mr. Compress.

His grip was unrelenting and painful as he pulled me a few feet closer to him. He leaned next to my ear, "You take advantage of her... you will not live to see the next sunrise." He whispered his threat. There was no doubt in my mind that his threat was not an empty one.

As soon as our confrontation started, it was over. He let go of my arm and walked away, his boots tapping the wooden floors steadily.

'I won't.' I thought firmly in reply to his threat.

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