110 || 1-B

285 14 2

Third Person P.O.V.

Puppet slipped off into the shadows of the trees once Tokoyami had started to venture off.

'I need to actually get on with my part of the plan.' She sighed and rolled around her arms to soothe the aches of fighting. 'Those kids delayed me too much.'

She heard a small crack and immediately froze. Her gaze snapped towards where the sound had come from and waited.

"Dammit, where'd the two of them go?" A voice mumbled from behind a set of trees.

Puppet silently shuffled to the trees and gazed around them to the person.

There stood an auburn-haired boy, surely a student. One of his hands was scratching through his hair frustratingly as he looked around.

'There could be three of them, then... best to deal with him now while he's alone.' Puppet decided.

Puppet rushed out at the boy from behind the tree.

The kid swiveled towards her with a surprised expression. He gasped in a breath, but before he could let it out, she was in front of him and one of her hands had grabbed onto his throat.

The boy let out a choked yell of pain as Puppet picked him up and slammed him into the trunk of a nearby tree, effectively knocking the air from his lungs. His feet dangled as she held him there a few feet above the ground.

She tightened her grip, slowly crushing the boy's windpipe and not allowing him to get enough air in order for him to use his quirk.

He took in short gasps, trying to get oxygen to his lungs.

"Looks like you wandered from your group, huh?" She asked with a cold stare watching his expression. "It's dangerous to be here alone."

His hands grabbed onto her wrist, wordlessly pleading for her to loosen her hold. She did the exact opposite, tightening her fist even more.

His eyes teared up from lack of oxygen and he kicked his legs, desperately trying to get her to let go. Black waves began to wash inward from the edges of his vision.

'Please.' He mouthed but couldn't get any sound to come out of his throat.

"Get away from him!" Someone with a feminine voice yelled. A girl with long orange hair that was tied into a ponytail charged at Puppet, her hand recoiled as she prepared a punch.

Puppet let go of the auburn-haired boy and dodged back away from the girl as she punched and her hand suddenly grew massive in size. The hand missed Puppet by about a foot.

The boy dropped to the ground, heaving and gasping for air. "Ke-Kendo?" He coughed out.

"Damn brat," Puppet muttered. She raised her hand, swinging it forward and flicking out razor-sharp strings towards Kendo.

"Kendo! Watch out!" A boy with silver skin rushed out from the tree line to Kendo. He grabbed onto her and pulled her into a protective hug-like hold. He shielded her body with his own, getting in between her and Puppets strings.

Puppets strings whipped against Tetsutetsu's back, but they didn't break through his steel skin. Realizing this, he grabbed onto her strings and jerked them towards him as hard as he could.

Puppet was yanked forward, letting out a grunt of surprise as she planted her feet into the dirt.

She yanked back on the strings and Tetsutetsu let out a yell as his skin cracked. He dropped the strings.

Before she could advance towards the two, the air in front of her seemed to solidify. When she tapped at it with her finger, it confirmed her suspicion.

Puppet grimaced and turned her attention back to the auburn-haired boy. "Not the greatest decision on your part."

She wasn't given the chance to attack him.

Blue threads appeared from behind a few trees and grabbed onto the three teenage heroes-in-training. The threads pulled them speedily back and away from Puppet.

Then things flipped against her.

Large cracks sounded from all around Puppet and her head turned on a swivel as she looked to locate the sources of the dangerous sounds.

To her horror, when she looked, the same blue threads were coiled around every tree branch and trunk she could see.


There were dozens of resounding snaps.

The branches from above her fell as the trees around her toppled.

She used as many sharp strings as she could to slice through branches and trunks that otherwise would have crushed her as they rained down from all sides.

She couldn't avoid everything though. The smaller branches she ignored whipped across her. They snapped against her mask and tangled in her hair. One larger branch of leaves crashed overtop of her and knocked her down for a moment as she ran.

While Puppet was busy trying to stay alive, the three teenagers were pulled up by the blue threads and hastily ushered to the side.

When Puppet had evaded all the falling wood, she rushed off into the nearby brush, hiding from any nearby eyes.

"Well look who decided to join the party." She grumbled. "Hello, Best Jeanist."

The mentioned pro hero stepped out from the shadows of the trees. The arms of his denim jacket were almost completely unraveled as the threads returned to him and began weaving themselves back together.

Best Jeanist waved an arm at the three students of class 1-B and released them from his threads. "Get out of here!" He yelled. "Go!"

Wasting no time, they followed his instructions. They got up to their feet and fled, running as fast as they could away from the two who would surely get tangled up in a fight.

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