52 || Moonlight

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—The Next Night 11:32pm—

Hawks' P.O.V.

It was a cool night and Shigaraki wanted me on surveillance to make sure no heroes were coming our way. I was the one who suggested this location as a hideout so I guess it was only fair.

While I was flying overhead I saw Puppet down on a rooftop, she was just standing there overlooking the city. I doubted any heroes were anywhere close to us so I thought why not just go see her.

I glided down to the rooftop she was on and landed behind her. As soon as my feet touched down, Puppets head whipped around to face me. Her body language suggested she was alert. When she saw it was me she relaxed.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that, you're going to get a knife thrown at you." She stated.

"But I didn't." I pointed out.

She sighed, "What do you want?"

"I can't just be around you?" I asked.

She looked skeptical of me.

I walked up to her, getting an idea. I held a hand out to her.

Puppets P.O.V.

He held his hand out to me, "Come with me."

"Why." I demanded.

"Trust me okay?" He requested.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked honest, it didn't seem like a trick.

"Just a flight, I promise." Hawks raised the hand that was not reaching out to me into the air beside his head as if he were doing some sort of pledge.

I took a deep breath and grabbed Hawks' hand with my own. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped an arm securely around my waist.

"Might wanna hold on." Hawks suggested as he fanned out his vermillion wings.

I reluctantly wrapped my arms around Hawks' neck to hold onto him as he took off into the air.

He took us up and up higher into the air. He flew through the clouds that blanketed some of the night sky and we ended up above them.

Third Person P.O.V.

"We're here." Hawks said gaining Puppets attention.

Puppet looked at the view, the moon was right there in the sky, clear as crystal. To her it was beautiful, the best view she had ever gotten. The moon glowed brightly in the contrast of the dark sky. Even the craters were plainly visible.

Hawks had seen the view of the moon up here plenty of times, but he never had anyone to share it with. Puppet was the first person he had ever taken up here.

"Now that's a view you won't get from the top of any skyscraper." He spoke.

Puppet agreed with him, it was unlike any view of the moon she had ever seen before. She was absolutely mesmerized by the sight, it glowed so brightly.

Hawks on the other hand wasn't looking at the moon, he was looking at Puppet. The light given off from the moon was beaming down on her and it exaggerated her visible features.

To him, she was more beautiful than the moon itself. Her hair blowed through the wind in a wavy pattern and the light from the moon reflected off the surface of her mask, making it look like it was glowing.

Hawks gradually flew back down, lowering them both under the clouds and back down to the rooftops of Shibuya.

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