109 || Truth

412 19 1

Third Person P.O.V.

Trees were ripped up from their roots and both the villain and the red-headed hero were sent flying back by Dark Shadow.

Puppet grit her teeth as she watched the three souls she used to defend herself easily be destroyed.

She couldn't waste this time within arms reach of Kirishima. He had taken the full blow of the monstrous quirk, so he had been momentarily stunned.

In a flurry of strings, Puppet had entwined the redheads chest. She swung as hard as she could, and sent him straight into the ground.

Puppet landed right next to him, her knees nearly buckling at the force of the impact combined with exertion. She ended up in a crouched position.

Kirishima stayed motionless within a crater in the earth. His face was frozen with his mouth agape and his eyes shut. His hardened skin faded.

"One trick pony." Puppet muttered condescendingly as she looked at him. She slowly rose to her feet.

"Grab her!!"

Puppet spun around quickly as a large shadowy claw reached out to grab her. She quickly retaliated, wrapping strings around Dark Shadow's arm and then his head. She wrapped the same strings around branches of the trees around her and pulled, hoisting Dark Shadow into a fixed position where he was held in place and couldn't get free.

Puppet then fixed her gaze on the avian-like teen. "You left yourself open."

Puppet rushed towards Tokoyami, throwing out a few strings and grabbing one of his arms. The teen swiftly pulled a small knife from his belt and sliced through the strands.

Changing her tactic, Puppet moved as fast as she could and threw herself into Tokoyami. She threw him off his feet and they both landed hard on the ground. The impact knocked the knife from the teen's hand.

Tokoyami twisted, trying to reach for his knife, but Puppet was faster. She pinned him on his stomach, sitting on his waist from behind and locking his wrists together against the small of his back.

"Get off!!" He yelled, struggling futility against her grip. She held him still, though he was putting up more of a fight than she expected.

"I'll have you know that Hawks is dead." She said.

That made Tokoyami still. He didn't know, he thought Hawks was in custody after the big fight that Endeavor led on Puppet and Hawks. That's what the Hero Public Safety Commission told the press. He even watched the fight live on the news that day, but he didn't know.

Puppets frown deepened. "So you didn't hear? Guess the heroes did well covering that one up."

"What happened..?" Tokoyami asked, willing his voice not to waver.

"Endeavor killed him. To make it perfectly clear, heroes came after us. We weren't looking to fight— hell, we even tried to run.. but they wouldn't let us." The memories relayed in Puppets head like a vivid dream, clear and precise. "Hawks was a hero. He put my life above his own and fought against people he knew were stronger than him, just to keep me safe. What you saw me do on the news was nothing more than rage."

Her grip on Tokoyami subconsciously tightened and her nails slightly dug into his flesh. He let out a quiet grunt of pain.

She noticed and loosened up. "I don't want to kill you. Hawks talked about you, cared for you. Think of this as me sparing you from a bitter fate." She shifted her hold and began to release him. "You know the best option here. You can't beat me, so run. Just run, and find cover. Don't fight anyone from the League, they won't be as forgiving towards you as I am."

With that, Puppet let go of him and took several steps back. She kept her eyes locked on him. He was still a hero-in-training, she wasn't going to make the mistake of taking her eyes off him.

She moved her fingers and loosened the strings holding back Dark Shadow, enough for the shadowy quirk to get out.

Tokoyami slowly got up to his feet. He was wise, and kept his eyes locked on her as he slowly side-stepped over to the KO'ed Kirishima laying nearby.

Carefully moving, Tokoyami hoisted Kirishimas unconscious figure onto his back.

As he collected his classmate, Dark Shadow went and picked up the bug-like teen, Kamakiri, from where he laid motionless on the ground.

Tokoyami looked to where Amajiki was tied against a tree, then to Puppet. "Will you let me take Suneater?"

Puppet searched his eyes for a moment, looking for any signs of deception. But it really wouldn't matter, she was much stronger than him and could overpower him.

"Fine, then run back to the school." She said.

Tokoyami nodded, then instructed Dark Shadow to go and collect Amajiki.

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