99 || Rest

830 37 12

Mr. Compress' P.O.V.

I ran up to the door of the hideout and turned the handle, quickly pushing the door open. I rushed into the building, not even looking to see who was currently here.

"Hey! Hey! What gives?!" I heard Twice call.

I didn't answer him, I was too focused on the situation.

"Atsuhiro?" Toga questioned, I could hear the concern in her voice.

I shuffled around in my pocket and pulled out the marble I that compressed Puppet into.

I snapped my fingers and Puppet decompressed in my arms. She wasn't moving much, but I could make out her chest slowly rising and falling as she took in breaths of air. I hadn't noticed before, but her hair was extremely messy, the strands of black and white going this way and that.

I walked over to the couch. I saw Dabi getting up from the piece of furniture to make room. He had respect for her, I knew that, had it been someone else in my arms he wouldn't have moved his overly-entitled behind.

I gently laid Puppet down.

I used my gloved fingers to carefully pry one of her closed eyes open just enough to see the iris of her eye. It wasn't moving at all, she was in her own body and unresponsive.

"She's out cold." I sighed. I was worried for her, I had no idea what had happened. She did say she would explain it to me later, but right now she was unconscious.

I sat down on the floor, finally aware of how heavy I was breathing. I had run a good distance as fast as I could to get both Puppet and I to safety. I didn't know who she had run into, but if she was that roughed up then the person who did this might not have been far behind. I'm sure that was why she transferred her conscious into a soul, to buy time.

I let myself become more aware of my surroundings, looking around to know who was here. Everyone in the room was standing around the couch. Dabi was here, along with Toga, Twice and even Shigaraki. I didn't see Kurogiri, which I thought was odd, usually he would be right next to our nearly peerless leader.

"Her clothes are singed." Shigaraki pointed out. He looked over to Dabi.

"Don't look at me. I didn't do this- hell, I've been here all day." Dabi defended, looking down at the sleeve and tail of Puppets longline sweater. "But these are flame burns."

"Who do you think she ran into?" Toga asked, looking at Mr. Compress. "Atsuhiro, do you know?"

"I have no earthly idea who. When I found her she demanded that I take her and run, said we didn't have any time. She seemed very shaken, yelling at me to just do what she said, and so I did. She had some souls dispatched and used them to I think try and buy me time. It exhausted her, now we're here." He gestured to Puppets unconscious form. "Whoever it was, they were strong enough to overpower her."

"Clearly she put up one hell of a fight." Shigaraki commented.

Kurogiri walked into the room, a few medical supplies in hand. "I saw Puppet and figured we'd need this." He specifically held up bandages.

"Well don't just stand there." Twice snapped, "Help her!"

Kurogiri walked over, placing the things in his arms into a heap on the ground next to the sofa Puppet was laying on.

"There are burns on her arms, they don't look too bad, but they might be painful when she wakes up." Toga interjected. The sleeves of Puppets sweater were rolled up to right above her elbows, showing off her slightly burned left arm and noticeably burned right arm.

"Aloe should help, but we don't know how much pain she's in." Kurogiri said, picking up the aloe and a roll of bandages from the medical equipment he brought.

Toga decided to help, taking the aloe from Kurogiri's hand. She carefully picked up Puppets badly burned arm. She opened the aloe and began to spread some over the charred skin. Even in her unconscious state, Puppet cringed at the pain.

When Toga finished with both of Puppets arms, Kurogiri wrapped the bandages he had around them, finishing the job. He rolled her sleeves back down.

"Hey, where's Hawks? Yeah, where is that bastard?" Twice asked.

No one had paid enough attention to notice that the winged man was absent. They were too focused on Puppet.

"I think they left together, now only one of them is back." Kurogiri said as he stood up.

"That's not good." Shigaraki said, "He could compromise us if he was captured."

"He wouldn't." Dabi spoke up, "he knows what the consequences would be if he does."

"We can figure that out later." Mr. Compress jumped in. "Right now we should focus on Puppet and stay on high alert just in case."

"I agree." Kurogiri said. "Our first priority is to protect our own. The Hawks situation can be dealt with at a later time. In the meantime, I'll take Puppet upstairs to recuperate."

Just like he said he would, Kurogiri picked Puppet up carefully in his arms with one hand behind her back and his other beneath her legs.

He carried her up to her room, laying her on her bed. He put a blanket over her, making sure she was at least somewhat comfortable in her unconscious state.

Once he was done, he simply left, closing the door and descending back down the stairs to join back with the rest of the League.

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