69 || Save

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Third Person P.O.V.

Puppet was slammed hard onto her back down on the floor by Present Mic. The impact actually make a shallow crater in the solid concrete.

Over the past few minutes, Puppet had taken several hits from both the heroes. She was losing this fight to them.

Present Mic made sure to pin down both Puppets legs and her arms, keeping her immobile. She didn't move or struggle much in resistance, she seemed to know she was stuck.

By this point Eraser Heads eyes were burning and watering as he tried to keep himself from blinking. He needed to keep Puppets quirk erased, otherwise she would overpower them.

Suddenly, dozens of vermillion feathers came whizzing into the room. The feathers caught each of the heroes by their hero costumes and sent them flying back and away from Puppet. Some feathers hovered near Puppet as extra protection just in case.

Hawks rushed into the room and got himself in front of Puppet. He had two large feathers in his hands that served as blades. His wings were noticeably smaller, as to be expected when using as many feathers as he was to keep both the heroes back.

Hawks glanced behind him at Puppet, noticing she hadn't moved at all and that her eyes were clenched shut with a pained expression on her face. The former hero spread his wings defensively to cover Puppet.

Eraser Heads eyes were spent, he had been holding his eyes open for so long trying to keep Puppet at a disadvantage. Now he blinked, but he wasn't able to reactivate his quirk.

Puppet felt like she couldn't move, her back was throbbing from the hard slam Present Mic had used to throw her into the ground. She couldn't focus for a minute, the pain temporarily overwhelming her systems.

Hawks turned back to the two heroes, "Do you really wanna fight this?" He asked darkly.

It went without saying that neither of the heroes wanted to fight against the former #2, they would be insane to even think of challenging him.

Eraser Head made a subtle movement with his hand to Present Mic, telling him to back away and stand down. The loud hero did just that, backing up towards a hole in the wall of the room, a place to escape.

Hawks made no move to attack. He had told himself when he converted to villainy that he would not harm another hero unless absolutely necessary. He instead stood his ground, all this feathers positioned threateningly.

Both the heroes backed up slowly until they were close enough to the hole in the wall that they just turned and sprinted to it. Hawks let them go, he was more focused on Puppet right now.

He turned around and brought all his feathers back to his wings.

Hawks knelt down next to Puppet and gently reached out with both his arms. He picked her up carefully, aware her back was most likely injured. Even with him being as gentle as he could, she still groaned in pain.

"Sorry." Hawks apologized. He held her in his arms bridal style, making sure she wasn't in an awkward position.

"Why are you here?" Puppet asked in a slightly pained tone.

"I rushed in when I was told you were still in here." He answered truthfully.

Despite her injured state, Puppet rolled her eyes, 'Hero's instincts... can't say I'm complaining though.'

Puppet looked to the hole in the wall that the two heroes used as their escape route.

'I need to stop them.' She thought with determination.

She summoned two souls from her hand and they both quickly ran off back to the area where Present Mic and Eraser Head were.

Puppet turned to Hawks, "Get me to Compress." She commanded, "He'll know what to do." With those words, Puppet fell limp in Hawks' arms and her eyes closed.

"Puppet?!" Hawks questioned.

He got no response, she was unresponsive.

He had to trust her on this, she knew more about what she was doing than he did. All he could do was follow through on her request.

He kept her in his arms and and started flying quickly towards the exit of the building, heading for Mr. Compress and no one else.

A/N: The cursed 69th chapter to start off the new year. Here's to hoping this year is better than the last.

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