20 || Getting Back

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—Right when they get back to the bar—

Third Person P.O.V.

"Hey Toga! What did you guys do?" Twice asked the yellow-eyed teen.

"It was boring, we just took money from some gang dudes." Toga pouted.

"Well that's disappointing. We did the Same!"

"Did you get it?" Shigaraki asked Mr. Compress.

"Of course Shigaraki, no need to worry." Mr. Compress took out a marble then snapped his fingers and the case they had taken appeared in his hand.

"Give it here." Shigaraki ordered.

Mr. Compress handed over the case and Shigaraki fumbled his fingers as he tried to hold it by the handle.

"You should have seen Puppet! She killed all of them! It certainly was impressive." Twice exclaimed to Shigaraki who obviously wasn't listening. He placed the case on the table next to a leather bag and opened the case and the bag revealing a large amount of yen in both. He started to carefully pull out each stack of yen and placed them on the table in a pile. Toga, Twice followed by a reluctant Dabi started to count how much there was.


"Hate to interrupt, but I doubt I'll be going anywhere for a while." Mr. Compress jumped in from his seat on the couch.

"And why is that?" Shigaraki asked not looking up at him.

"I am currently stuck in a predicament."

Shigaraki groaned and turned his head towards the sofa to see the 'predicament' Mr. Compress was stuck in.

Puppet was leaning against Mr. Compress and had her head rested on his right shoulder. She looked to have fallen asleep with her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open slightly.

"Awww~" Toga commented with a smile on her face.

"She trusts us that much to fall asleep and leave herself open, that's surprising." Dabi gazed around Toga to look at Puppet.

"My arm is starting to fall asleep and I can't move it." Mr. Compress complained as he used his left hand to point to his right arm.

"Haha sucks to be you Compress! I hate it when my arm falls asleep." Twice teased somewhat sympathetically.

"Wake her up, she can sleep later. She needs to focus on what we're doing now." Shigaraki stated dryly as he turned back to the table.

"If you would like to be the one to wake her I would gladly let you." Mr. Compress said back.

"Toga, wake her up." Shigaraki instructed.

"Tomura, I may be insane, but I'm not that insane." Toga retorted not wanting to risk her life waking Puppet up.

"Twice, you go do it then." Shigaraki hissed.

"Sure! Yeah no way."

Shigaraki looked up at Dabi and opened his mouth to say something but Dabi beat him to it.

"Hey don't look at me, I ain't doing it." Dabi put his hands up defensively.

Shigaraki scowled at the spikey black haired male. He didn't exactly want to go anywhere near Puppet either.

"Fine. We'll continue this later, I'm going upstairs. You all can do whatever until Puppet wakes up." Shigaraki marched up the stairs and purposefully slammed the door of his room after he walked into it.

Mr. Compress sighed and relaxed as much as he could with a 24-year-old woman on his arm. Then he too began to fall asleep.

Alternate somewhat funny ending:

"Fine. We'll continue this later, I'm going upstairs. You all can do whatever until Puppet wakes up." Shigaraki marched up the stairs and purposefully slammed the door of his room after he walked into it.

"You are quite the actress when you want to be." Mr. Compress whispered just loud enough so only people a few feet away from him would be able to hear.

"Yeah, I know. But I am comfortable so I'm taking nap here." Puppet whispered back, already half asleep. Then she was out like a light.

Mr. Compress sighed, his arm really had been falling asleep and now it was numb. 'Alright I will let you sleep, you do need it, my dear.' He thought as he slightly adjusted himself into a position where he could lean back into the back of the couch.

A/N: Art!

A/N: Art!

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