62 || Favor

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Puppets P.O.V.

"Hey, any idea where Hawks is?" I asked as I walked back into the main room.

"I believe he is upstairs." Kurogiri informed me.

I walked over to the stairs, "Hawks!" I called.

"Can you stop yelling? Shut up." Twice snapped at me.

"Why're you looking for him anyway?" Toga asked, "We were better off without him."

"I just need him for a few minutes." I said back.

"Someone call me?" Hawks' voice asked. I turned and saw him coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, I did." I said, "I have something for you to do. Come with me."

"Sure." He walked the rest of the way down the stairs.

I led him over to the room that imprisoned Mic and Eraser. "I told Eraser he could speak to you for a few minutes."

"About what?" He questioned as we came up on the door to the room.

"Don't know, don't really care." I opened the door, "Just don't give him information."

He walked into the room. Eraser looked up at me from his chair.

"Two minutes. I'll come back in when your time is up." I informed.

I closed the door and stood outside. I was close enough to the door that I would be able to hear the conversation happening between Hawks and Eraser.

Third Person P.O.V.

"What happened to him?" Hawks asked, looking over to the unconscious Present Mic.

"What do you think? Puppet didn't want to deal with him." Eraser Head answered coldly.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" The winged man asked, "We don't have all that long."

"Look, I'm just gonna cut to the chase." Eraser Head spoke knowing the time he had was ticking down quickly. "I know Puppet's outside listening to everything... but I don't care. I want to ask you one single favor."

"What do you need?"

"Eri, the girl Shigaraki wants, protect her. She's only a kid." Eraser Head breathed out, "I know there's still at least a smidge of hero left in you, don't ignore it."

Hawks felt kinda bad for him, he understood that this girl was like his own daughter. Tokoyami had filled the former hero in on the events of Overhaul, so he knew this girl had been through a lot.

The door opened and Puppet walked in, leaning in the doorway, "Time's up." She stated.

Hawks started to walk away from Eraser Head without so much as a goodbye.

"Hawks." Eraser Head said catching his attention right before he left the room.

Hawks looked over his shoulder back at the restrained hero.

"Take it into consideration." Eraser Head urged.

"Sure." Hawks responded, turning and stepping out of the room.

"Wait outside, I want to talk to him for a minute." Puppet said to Hawks then shut the door once she got a nod from him.

Puppet turned to Eraser Head, "You were right about me listening in on the conversation."

"And?" Eraser Head questioned.

"We're not like Overhaul, in fact, we despised that he was extensively torturing a toddler." She said, "We don't intend to intentionally hurt her for the fun of it. We'll get what we need and be done with it."

"She's not a toddler." Eraser Head mumbled to himself.

Puppet sighed, "Mic should wake up in the next hour or so, in case you were wondering."

Eraser Head just gave her a monotone hum in response, though he had indeed been wondering how long the sedative would last.

Having nothing else to say, Puppet exited the room, leaving the erasure hero alone with his thoughts.

Hawks' P.O.V.

I stopped talking to Kurogiri once Puppet came back out of the room. I was talking to the man about a rather serious topic, something that I knew the other members of the League wouldn't take well.

Kurogiri cleared his throat before he excused himself by just plainly walking away.

"What was that about?" Puppet asked.

"Just a friendly conversation." I masked the lie with a smile, "What'd you talk to Eraser about?"

"Not much. He seems dead set that we purposely intend to hurt the girl, I told him otherwise." She answered. I was glad she allowed me to shift the topic of discussion without pushing on what I was talking to Kurogiri about.

She sighed, "Anyway, we should get some sleep, it's late. Tomorrow we go find the kid."

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