95 || Helicopters

986 31 8

Puppets P.O.V.

I had a headache now and my body was aching. My souls were being destroyed, but I had practically an army stored up and ready for use. The only thing holding me back from releasing them all were the repercussions to myself.

I flicked a dozen strings towards Endeavor as he neared me, my plan was to get him to back off even if only for a moment.

I scowled as Endeavors flight path immediately changed and he went straight up. Then without any warning, he changed his path again so he went right over my strings as if they were nothing at all.

He slammed right into me and threw me off my feet. Before I could even land, he grabbed the back of my sweater and started flying up seemingly as fast as he could.

Just like he did with Hawks.

Did he plan to kill me the same way he did Hawks? I couldn't let that happen. But we were going too fast. Any strings I tried to use were getting swept up in the wind and became useless.

He dragged me higher and higher, high enough in fact that we were above two army helicopters that had undoubtedly arrived as backup for Endeavor.

The ground below seemed to be miles away, but in reality it must've only been maybe 400 feet. My legs dangled and the air seemed thinner. I needed to get down.

I grabbed onto Endeavors wrist that was holding the back of my sweater with one of my hands. I ejected a throwing knife into my free hand and swung it at Endeavors arm and hand the best I could from my angle.

When I did end up inevitably slicing his flesh, he dropped me and I started to fall at a high speed.

My heart thudded in my chest. Hawks wasn't here to catch me this time, and I was determined not to meet the same fate he did.

I locked my eyes on the closest thing to me; a helicopter. I shot strings from my hand to the bottom of the flying vehicle. It was a ways away, but it was my only option.

'Come on, come on, come on. Grab onto something.' I silently pleaded.

The ends of the strings wrapped securely around one of the landing skids.


The string fully extended and I used the force of my fall to swing myself under the helicopter and up to be level with the aircraft. I tugged on the string and pulled myself in the direction of the opening that led into the helicopter. If I could get in it, I would be in a much better position to fight.

I landed in the helicopter with a loud metal thunk. I looked towards the cockpit to see that the pilot had swiveled around in his seat and was pointing a gun at me, ready to shoot.

Swiftly, I wound the hand back that still held the throwing knife I tried to stab Endeavor with. I threw it right at the pilots head, hitting my target with sharp precision. The knife was lodged deep in the front of his skull, right between the eyes, and had killed him instantly. The gun he was holding clattered to the ground and a soul rose from his corpse.

I rushed to the front of the helicopter, rolling up my sleeves to my elbows while I went. I grabbed the soul that hovered in the air. I shoved the corpse from the pilots seat onto the floor.

Without thinking I sat down in the pilots seat, grabbing the steering wheel.

What was I doing? I had no idea how to fly a helicopter. Whatever, it couldn't be that hard, and if it was I'd just learn in the next few seconds.

I flicked the autopilot switch off and took manual control.

Bright flames shot out in front of my path, Endeavor was trying to cut me off. I pulled back hard on the yoke (steering wheel), causing the helicopter to stop almost dead in the air. I shifted the wheel and flew right up, dodging the flames and turning away, almost flipping upside down in the process.

I heard a small beeping alarm go off and I looked to where it was resonating from. My eyes fell to the radar, it showed two projectiles approaching me quickly from behind. Missiles.


I turned the helicopter in the direction of the other flying vehicle. I had no idea how to use the weapon system on this thing but I did know that it was practically a flying bomb.

As soon as I got lined up with the other helicopter I flicked the autopilot switch and jumped up from the pilots seat. I ran to the opening of the aircraft and jumped out.

Mere seconds after my feet left the vehicle, the two helicopters collided along with the two missiles, causing a large explosion. I was close enough to the explosion that it blew me away and I could feel the heat against my back.

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