23 || Fight on Stage

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Third Person P.O.V.

Eraser Head was gazing at Puppet Master through the only window to the auditorium in order to cancel her quirk. She was not going to claim that poor boy's soul, not on his watch.

Eraser Head had heard some screams coming from the abandoned building, he expected it to be a few teenagers messing around trying to gain attention. One of the last things he expected to find was Puppet Master toying with and killing those very teenagers.

Puppet rushed towards the two boys and quickly grabbed Katsumi by his arm. She forced him onto his feet and pressed a throwing knife to his neck. "Don't move." She instructed him darkly.

Katsumi did as he was told like a dog for its owner. He didn't struggle or move to try to get away from her, he just stood there. Out of the corner of his eye, he was still able to see Satoshi's limp body hanging from several black strings from the ceiling of the stage. Seeing what she had done to one of his best friends he didn't want to have the same fate.

Puppet looked up to the window Eraser Head was at and made direct eye contact with him, "You coming down, Eraser?" She called.

Not wanting to risk the life of the teen Puppet was holding, Eraser Head kicked through the window and carefully used his scarf to swing into the auditorium. Gradually, he lowered himself down until he was on the stage. He took notice that the other boy who was on the floor of the stage made no move to escape, he just stared at Eraser Head with pleading and fearful eyes.

Eraser Head made a motion with his left hand for Tsuyoshi to come over to him. With almost no hesitation, Tsuyoshi scrambled towards the pro hero and got behind him. Puppet watched but made no move to try to get the teen back.

"Let the kid go, Puppet Master." Eraser Head said sternly.

Puppet scoffed, "Again with the formalities, I told you to call me Puppet."

"Let. The kid. Go." He repeated in a deadly serious tone.

Puppet made a few exaggerated thinking expressions before she returned to her normal sadistic smirk and answered, "Nah, I'm good." She pressed the blade of her throwing knife slightly into Katsumi's neck and he winced as the blade cut his skin and drew blood.

"Do you think this is a game?" Eraser Head growled through gritted teeth while keeping his gaze locked on Puppet.

"Maybe." Puppets smirk turned into a wide grin.

The two adults had a bit of a staredown while Eraser Head spoke only loud enough so Tsuyoshi could hear him, "As soon as I get her away from you two, run."

"O-Okay." Tsuyoshi shakily replied to let the pro hero know that he heard him.

Eraser Head put his left hand behind his back and grabbed a hold of the handle of his dagger that was attached to the belt of his hero costume. He pulled it out of its sheath and held it at the ready.

Eraser Head took an end of his scarf in his right hand and threw it at Puppet and Katsumi.

Puppet had expected Eraser Heads scarf to come at her, but it didn't, it went for the boy she was holding, it went for Katsumi.

The capture weapon wrapped itself around Katsumi's leg and tugged his leg out from under him. With him losing his footing he fell back into Puppet. Her now having to abruptly support the teenage boy's weight caused her to stumble backward and her throwing knife left Katsumi's neck.

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