92 || Flaming Feathers

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Hawks' P.O.V.

I sent Puppet flying away with almost all the feathers I had, giving her as much speed as possible. I couldn't let any hero catch up to her, if they did there was no telling what would happen. I had left myself with a few larger feathers that I could use as blades and a some smaller feathers to use as projectiles.

Puppets life was my priority. She needed to live so she could complete her goals. My life goal had been to make the world a place where heroes had free time. Now looking back at that it seemed like it was just silly. I never should have put my effort into that if heroes were using their time to kill villains who were in reality not all that bad. In fact- those villains were even trying to better their lives as well as other's. The League was family to each other, a dysfunctional family maybe, but they all backed each other up, no matter what. I was glad to be a part of it, even if it wasn't for all that long.

I took in and let out a deep breath as I knew where this confrontation was likely heading for me. I shook it off and put on a straight face, I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me right now and cloud my judgment.

Now I needed to buy time, that needs to be my main focus.

The sound of footsteps near me caught my attention. They were loud, as if the person wasn't even trying to hide their presence.

I turned towards the sound. Endeavor was standing right there, like four yards away.

He had a thick piece of beige fabric in his hand. He tossed it at me and it landed right at my feet. Now looking at the fabric closer, I recognized it, it was my jacket. The beige fabric of the clothing article had been charred, soot lining the burn marks.

"You're jacket's not an effective decoy." He announced.

"Yeah, well it worked long enough." I said back.

He sighed. "Let's stop wasting time-"

I cut him off with a smug shrug. "I dunno, I kinda like wasting time, it makes me feel free."

"So you are stalling. Then there's no point in letting you talk, especially when I know you're stalling to let Puppet Master get away."

'Well damn, I was hoping he didn't know I sent Puppet off.'

The flames around Endeavor grew bigger and brighter. He was willing to brute force this, that's not good for me.

"Fine! Let's go!" I yelled, using the remaining feathers I had on my back to lift me into the air. "Just me and you, Endeavor!!"

Puppets P.O.V.

I noticed that as the feathers on my back carried me away, some of them strayed from the group and whizzed off back towards where the fight was. For Hawks to be willing to bring feathers back to him and cause me to lose speed, he must be in trouble. The more feathers that left my back, the more I could actually move of my own accord. If I could get out of Hawks' feathers, then I might be able to get back to help him.

Hawks' P.O.V.

I fell from the air and hit the ground with a thud. I quickly pushed myself back up.

My feathers were catching fire. This wasn't good, if all my feathers burned up I was done. I was also getting slower, which really put me at a disadvantage.

I had started to take feathers away from the group on Puppets back. I felt it was needed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to fight Endeavor. It didn't help that I also needed to avoid his sidekicks like Kido and Burnin.

"Flashfire fist: JETBURN!" Endeavor jutted his hand out and shot powerful flames from his fist.

I couldn't move in time and I was knocked onto the ground. The flames surrounded me, annihilating all the rest of my feathers and leaving only a small pocket around me so I didn't burn.

I could feel my body heat quickly increase and all the oxygen around me was being used up by the flames. Endeavor was trying to knock me out, overheating me and decreasing the oxygen in this small pocket to the point where I would pass out.

"ENDEAVOR!" I yelled hoping he could hear me over his raging flames.

To my relief, the flames slowly died down.

I was left on the ground, sweating, lightheaded, and exhausted from his flames.

Though I really couldn't see straight right now, I was able to make out Endeavors flaming boots approaching me.

"I'll say this once, Hawks. Stay down." He said darkly. His tone told me he was far from messing around.

He turned and started to walk away.

"WAIT! ENDEAVOR NO! STOP!" I yelled. In a final burst of strength, I lunged and grabbed onto his leg. I knew it would do very little, and that's exactly what happened. He easily kicked me off.

He turned back to me with an expression on his face that portrayed nothing but disdain for me. It hurt to be honest, someone I looked up to for so long giving me that look.

Endeavor lifted his hand and flames started to ignite his palm.

I quickly rolled into my side and covered my head with my hands, shielding myself and waiting for the blast.

But it never came.

After a few more moments of stillness, I cautiously looked over my shoulder.

Endeavor wasn't standing over me anymore, he had backed away, and instead Puppet was there, standing in between us.

'No... Why did you come back?'

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