Bonus Story 1 || All for One

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"Master..." Shigaraki spoke, while everyone else stayed silent.

So this was his master, the one on the other side of the screen. The lord of the underworld himself, All for One.

"So, you failed once more, Tomura. But you must not be discouraged, you'll try again. That's why I brought your associates back with you, even this child, because you judged that he was an important piece on your game board." He held his hand out to the light blue-haired male, "Start over as many times as it takes, I am here to provide you with help. All of this... is for you."

Silence plagued the air for a long minute.

Something caused All for One's attention to shift, "Ah, there you are."


The masked man looked up into the sky and I turned my head to see what he was looking at. All Might came flying down towards him at a considerably high speed and threw a punch at All for One.

All for One stopped All Mights punch with seemingly his bare hands. All Might said something, but it was inaudible over the impact of the strong punch from his quirk.

The ground around the two was blasted from the impact and a strong gust of wind erupted toward us, knocking us all back. I covered my face so no dust got into my eyes.

As the dust settled and I regained my footing on the ground, things became quieter and All for One started speaking again.

"It took you long enough to find us." All for One began, "It's only five kilometers from the bar to here, and yet it was at least thirty seconds after I sent the nomu that you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might."

"Your one to talk, it's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life support mask you've got on. Aren't you overexerting yourself?" All Might retorted, "I won't repeat the mistake I made five years ago, you hear me?! I will take young Bakugo back and I will make certain you're locked up for the rest of your sad life right along with your despicable League of Villains!" All Might lunged at All for One.

"Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you, this will be hard for us both." All for Ones left arm expanded and pure wind pressure was released from the palm of his hand right before All Might could get to him. The blast sent All Might flying backwards and a huge line of destruction was made, knocking down buildings and flattening the land.

My eyes widened at the sight. That was pure power, unlike anything I've ever seen before. It was scary to think someone with that kind of power existed. Then again, we were talking about All for One, the infamous villain that ruled over the shadows of the underworld.

All for One hummed triumphantly after the attack, "Air cannon plus spring-like limbs, kinetic booster times four, strength enhancer times three. What a delightful combination, maybe a few more enhancers next time."

'So that's what that was..' I had heard that All for One's power was to take the quirks of others and he was able to stockpile them for himself or give them to others. The possible combinations with his quirk could be endless.

"All Might!" I turned my head and saw Bakugo call out to the line of destruction where All Might had been blasted too. Honestly, I forgot this kid was still here.

"Don't you worry, it will take more than that to kill him." All for One assured the teen. He then turned to Shigaraki, "Get off the battlefield Tomura, and take that child with you."

All for One lifted up his right hand and his fingertips sprouted jagged black and red root looking things that outstretched to Kurogiri's unconscious figure. To my surprise, they stabbed him right in his stomach. "Kurogiri, warp them away." He instructed the warp villain.

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