34 || Preperations

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—12:13 am The Next Day at the Local Police Station—

Third Person P.O.V.

Plenty of heroes had shown up; Eraser Head, Endeavor, Ryuku, Tiger, Mandalay, Fat Gum, Kamui Woods, Edgeshot, Gang Orca, Pixie-bob, Manual, Death-arms, and more smaller heroes.

Most of the heroes were looking through the profiles of the League of Villains' members, getting all the information they could on them and their quirks.

"We brought in hero's from all over to deal with this." Tsukauchi spoke loudly catching the attention of everyone in the large room.

"Let's hope it's enough." Ryuku commented.

"It'll be enough." Endeavor said, "And I'll give that bird a piece of my mind."

"Yes, that another thing I need to address. We have reason to believe Hawks, whom we placed as a spy, is working with the villains and giving us false information." Tsukauchi informed, "The plan is to apprehend him as well."

Tsukauchi kept talking, "Eraser Head is to be informed of Puppet Master's location when she is located, he needs to be the one to deal with her."

"I know her fight style best, along with her weaknesses." Eraser Head added to Tsukauchi's statement.

"Why not share that information with us all, then we can chase her down if it comes to it." One of the less well-known heroes asked rudely, he was dressed in a dark red hero costume.

Mandalay glared over at the hero, using her quirk to telepathically say something along the lines of 'Shut up and just listen'. That shut him up right away.

Tsukauchi cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to himself, "All league members are to be apprehended as soon as possible. The area around their hideout has been evacuated in advance to prevent casualties if a battle were to break out."

"It's the League of Villains, they won't go down easily." Pixie-bob said.

"Yes, be ready for anything." Gang Orca agreed.

"We need to get moving, we don't want to miss our window of opportunity." Edgeshot insisted on leaving.

"Transportation is waiting outside." Tsukauchi said, "Be careful."

With that all the heroes left the room, preparing for what was to come.

—1:56 pm at the LoV Hideout—

Puppets P.O.V.

A knock came from the door to my room.

"Puppet?" It was Compress.

I picked my mask up from beside me on the bed and fixed it back onto my face. "Come in." I said.

The door opened and Compress stepped in, closing the door once he was inside. He greeted me with a wave, "Hello, Puppet."

"Hi, Compress."

"I see you're still wearing the necklace I gave you." He stated. I was indeed still wearing the tear necklace around my neck.

He gestured to the bed, "May I?" He asked.

"Sure." I scooted over to my right, a bit closer to the headboard of my bed and gave him space to sit down next to me. He walked over and sat down.

"What have you been doing lately, my dear?" He asked.

I went over what I had done in the last couple weeks. The last time we were together we had gone and stole some things from a jewelry store. Since then, the whole Hawks thing happened and since then I've been just collecting souls because I've been bored.

"I've been collecting some souls, I'm up to thirty seven now." I answered him.

"Oh well, that's certainly an improvement."

I thought over whether I should tell him about Hawks or not.

I inwardly shrugged, 'To hell with it.' I thought.

"You remember our conversation that we had on Hawks?" I asked.

"I may be older, but my memory is still intact, of course I remember." He replied.

"Well he made his move on me."

"What kind of move?" He questioned.

"He backed me into an alley then kissed me." I answered.

"What was your reaction?"

"I don't know. I accepted it, but I don't trust him that much."

Compress breathed out a sigh, "I would suggest to keep up an act, just for the time being."

"I plan to, I want to use him later."

Compress nodded, "Well if you want me to intervene I'll be there."

"I know. You and the rest of the League."

I heard the sound of shoes skipping along the floor outside my door and I turned my head to look at my door. There was a shadow cast under the crack of the door, cutting off the light from the hallway.

Both Compress and I fell silent and waited.

Someone knocked on my door in an upbeat pattern.

"Who is it?" I asked loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.

"Aww, you don't recognize my knock~?" Toga's cheerful voice came through the door.

"You've never knocked on my door before so no." I said back.

"Well Tomura wants you to come downstairs." She informed.

"We'll be down in a moment." Compress answered her.

"Ooh magic man's in there? You two are cute~"

"Yeah, yeah." I responded. I wasn't really phased by her comment, she had said the same thing about us before. That same day we made it perfectly clear that we were close friends, nothing more. I was completely content with that, I had no romantic feelings towards Compress, and I was sure he had the same mindset.

"See you downstairs!" I heard Toga's feet skipping away from the door and down the hall.

Compress stood up and held his hand out to me, "We should probably get down to the bar before Shigaraki decides to come and get us himself." He said.

"I suppose you're right." I took his hand and he helped me up. We left my room and traveled down the hallway towards the stairs.

A/N: Fanart!

Fanart by Glitching_Fox_Error

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Fanart by Glitching_Fox_Error

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