106 || Bullets

570 24 4

Third Person P.O.V.

As she looked at Eraser Head, Puppet found the urge to grin overpowering, and a smile pulled across her face.

But why? She felt no joy. She felt only hollow.

The grenade Snipe had thrown detonated, causing an explosion right in front of Puppet.

Large branches snapped from tree trunks and fell to the ground. Puppet had been blown back from her perch, falling to the ground as well, though she landed on her feet. Her smile had been wiped from her face and was replaced with a grimace.

The large branches had fallen between where she and the two heroes were. Now, she couldn't see them.

When she cut the branches with a string and threw them to the sides, she found herself alone.

She looked to her feet and discovered a small spot of blood. There was another one not too far away, then another, and another. A trail.


He would be the easier one to follow, considering the blood trail he left behind.

She jogged along the trail, making sure not to lose sight of the blood. That would mean Snipe would outpace her, but she was willing to make that trade.

'Eraser will have to wait.'

'Of course I had to get caught up with a pro who specializes in projectiles. How unlucky.' Mr. Compress grimaced as Snipe fired more bullets at him.

A few moments ago, seemingly out of nowhere, the hero had bolted out of the tree line and into the clearing the villainous magician had been standing in. The gunman didn't hesitate to open fire.

'I'll try and make this quick.' Mr. Compress compressed the area in front of him, the bullets getting effected by his quirk as well. He repeated his actions again and again, each time advancing closer and closer to Snipe.

Snipe backed away, wary of what the villain was doing. Even so, he kept firing, raining down bullets in Mr. Compress' direction.

The cowboy-looking man was already down an arm thanks to Puppet, it would make the task of defeating him all the more easy for the master thief.

Two of the bullets started to curve around the villain, going at him from his backside and into his blind spot. A few bullets shot straight toward the magician would keep his attention in front of him.

A dark purple portal opened in an arc around the back of Mr. Compress. The two curving bullets shot by Snipe went right in, disappearing into the void-like abyss.

A bullet whizzed at Snipe from behind and a hole was torn through the top of his hat. The gunslinger spun around and there was another purple portal behind him. The second bullet he shot rocketed out of the warp gate at him and struck the white armor around his chest. Had the armor not have been bulletproof, Snipe would have just been killed.

Mr. Compress grinned behind his mask. "Glad to see the device in my pocket works."

An echoing voice answered him. "Yes. The trackers have proved their worth."

Every member of the League had been given a small tracker to keep on their person. It let Kurogiri hop from villain to villain as a means of support.

With the warp gate now guarding Mr. Compress, Snipe would have to curve his bullets erratically to hit his target. Not a problem, that's what his quirk was best at. The problem was that more warp gates could open at any time and in any place. It was too unpredictable.

'I've got to get back into the woods. I need cover.'

Snipe broke out into a sprint, trying to get away from the warp gates and Mr. Compress.

As he turned back to the woods, a black string shot out from the brush. It wound tight around his arm and jerked him to the side. The force behind the pull knocked his hat from his head and forced his gun from his hand, sending it clattering to the earth.

He yelled out as he collided with a tree and fell to the ground. Another string caught around his leg and he was thrown back up into the canopy. His head met harshly with a large branch and he became dazed.

He landed on his back amongst the grass and dirt. His head pounded and he was uncoordinated as he tried to shift to get his arms under him to push him up.

He was quickly knocked down again when a boot crashed into his chin.

He was forced back onto his back and caught a quick glimpse of Puppet standing above him.

She stepped onto his injured arm, digging the heel of her boot into the wound. He hissed at the pain as he attempted to force her boot off with his free hand.

"What are the school's defense plans?" Puppet asked the hero simply.

When he stayed stubbornly silent, she gave him a deadpan expression. She swiped her boot off his chest and wound back her foot. Before he could move, she slammed a heavy kick into the side of his helmet, easily knocking him out cold.

Kurogiri's mist had dissipated from the air around Mr. Compress and the magician jogged over to his comrade.

He looked down at Snipe, faintly nodding his head in silent commendation.

He looked up to Puppet. "It's been all but ten minutes." He commented half-jokingly. "So, what happened to Eraser Head?"

"I missed." She said plainly, then gestured to the unconscious hero. "Snipe saved him and they both ran off together. I followed them, but then this idiot threw a grenade at me. I lost Eraser in the explosion."

He hummed in thought before speaking. "Alright, then let's stick together for now. We don't want to be found on our own by a pro."

"Yeah." Puppet nodded absentmindedly as she stared blankly off into the tree line like.

Mr. Compress looked to Snipe, who was still lying motionless. "Are you not going to take his soul?"

She looked down at the hero as well, "...No." It was strange, and she couldn't put it into words. She didn't want his soul.

"Well there's a surprise." He chirped, "Then he will be a captive to our cause."

The magician crouched down next to Snipe, and with a flash of bright blue, the master thief had added another marble to his collection.

"We need to head towards the school." Puppet said, "Right now it looks like only the pros are defending, but if they decide to let some of the hero course students into the fray, which I'm sure they will, things will get a lot more difficult."

Mr. Compress stood back up and made sure his hat was on properly. "Then we have no time to waste."

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