16 || Compress' Worry

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Puppets P.O.V.

When I came to I was in my bed, the back of my head was throbbing. Compress was sitting beside my bed in a chair against a wall, he seemed to be asleep.

'How long have I been out?' I wondered.

I sat up in my bed, that didn't exactly do anything to help my head, it just started to hurt more.


'Whoops, I didn't mean to wake him up.'

Compress quickly came over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"You worried everyone, especially me." He said.

'Atsuhiro... were you really that worried?'

"Sorry... what time is it?" I asked.

"It's three twenty-six a.m., you've been out for a while." He answered as he let go and took a step back.

"Okay. Also, was my mask ever taken off?"

"No, I wouldn't have let anyone take it off."

I was relieved, if my mask had been taken off it could have had been catastrophic if someone like Hawks found out my identity.

"Okay, thank you, Compress."

"So what happened to you, my dear?" He asked. "You came back and collapsed from an injury to your head."

'Don't remind me.' "I ran into Eraser Head."

"You ran into him? Or did you go looking for him?" He asked.

"Actually, he came looking for me... because of what I did last Wednesday." I stated matter-a-factly.

"Because you attacked a UA student?" He clarified. I nodded.

"Tell that to Shigaraki, he may want to know that." He said.

"I will, he should know." I agreed.

"I'll tell him." He said, "Also, I was told to give this to you." Compress handed a manila folder to me.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's the information on you that Hawks retrieved from Endeavors agency." He answered.

"Okay, thanks." I thanked him.

"Mhm." He nodded as he stood up and walked to the door. "Look over it and get some rest, my dear, you need it." He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him leaving me alone in the room.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed letting me sit up in a more comfortable way. I opened the manila folder. It was a profile for me.

The first thing that caught my eye was the somewhat blurry picture of me in my mask and villain outfit running, below the picture were the words 'Police Body Cam'. I read the information in the profile.

Alias: Puppet Master

Name: Unknown

Sex: F

Occupation: Villain (A-rank)

Age: Unknown
Note - Looks to be in mid to late 20's.

Quirk: Unknown | Type: Emitter
Note - Quirk lets her produce strong strings from her hands that can either be dull or sharp (cut strings with a blade). Can use people's souls to control a ghost-like figure of them (must kill someone to get and use their soul).

Known Skills: Acrobatics, Dexterity, Escapology.

Affiliations: League of Villains

Hero Interactions: Has escaped from multiple pro heroes; Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Endeavor, Eraser Head, Gang Orca, Gunhead, Ryukyu, and more.

I chuckled, 'Have I really escaped so many heroes?'

I flipped the page over and it revealed some more pictures in the folder, most of them were blurred but they clearly showed me. Some of the pictures looked like they were taken from farther away, there was an overhead picture of me running on the rooftops from last Wednesday.

I closed the folder and set it down at the foot of the bed. I layed back down on the bed and pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

A/N: Art!

I got lazy and didn't do the shading, but hey at least I did something

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I got lazy and didn't do the shading, but hey at least I did something.

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