118 || Awaken

514 16 11

Puppets P.O.V.

My brain felt muddled as my senses began to come back to me and I started to regain consciousness.

First, it was my hearing that came back. Wherever I was silent, though there was what sounded like light rainfall outside the building I was in.

Next, it was my sense of smell. There was an odd combination of must and wood that wafted into me.

Then, it was the dreaded sense of touch and feeling that came back to me. My entire body had this dull ache that made me feel like the moment I moved, I would be in excruciating pain. That aching seemed to be especially present around my stomach.

When it came to my surroundings, I felt my myself laying down across some cushions and a pillow beneath my head. There was something soft draped over me, which I concluded was probably a blanket.

'Where...?' I wondered. I needed to know where I was. For all I knew, I could be in a hospital, though with the lack of stereotypical medical scents and sounds, it was unlikely.

I let out a cracked, tired groan. I squeezed my eyes shut before starting to open them.

I found that my vision was blurry. I tried to blink it away, which after a bit, began to work. I swallowed, feeling the thick dryness of my throat.

Then, I heard a sound. To be specific, I heard footsteps tapping along what sounded like a wooden floor. It sounded like whoever it was was coming closer.

"Welcome back to the land of the living. You were out for a while, my dear."

That voice. I knew that voice. I couldn't put my finger on who it was for a moment, then it clicked.


I looked over to the side, finding my friend.

He was dressed in his usual attire — his orange shirt and black vest. But, he had his hat, mask and balaclava off. I could see him as he was — a person.

He walked over and knelt down to my level. I appreciated not having to crane my neck to look at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I lifted one of my hands from beneath the blanket. I rubbed at my face, trying to dispel the drowsiness over me. I didn't feel my mask, and he must have noticed.

"No one is around but myself, so I kept your mask off," he said before asking again, "how are you feeling?"

"Awful," I croaked, my voice raspy from tiredness.

He frowned. "That seems right."

"How long have I been out?"

"Almost two days."

I looked around, finding us in what looked like the living room of a home. The room was dimly lit and made all the more dark by the dark wood of the floor and blue paint on the walls.

But it was only the two of us.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"I don't know. We parted ways so I could take care of you." He said. "I told them to call me should they need me, but my main concern isn't them, it's you."

Ignoring the ache in my body, I went to try and sit up. A exploding pain in my stomach stopped me and I groaned in pain.

He quickly pressed a hand to my back and gently helped me lay back down.

"Careful." He urged me, "You're on a strong painkiller, but you're still hurt."

I grimaced.

I swallowed, feeling how hard that simple task was.

"You're probably thirsty."

"No shit."

He sighed, standing back up. "There are a few bottles of water in the other room. Stay seated, I'll get one for you."

"It's fine... I-I'll get it." I insisted, pushing the blanket off me and moving to sit up, but cringing at the pain.

"You just woke and you're not moving well. You likely won't even make it to the other room." He argued.

"I'll do it anyway.." I sucked in a sharp breath at the stabbing pain of moving.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and gently but firmly pushed me to lay back down. "Stay. Here."

He walked away, and it took me all but five seconds to decide to follow — or try to anyway.

I took a moment and carefully lifted my shirt somewhat up my torso, finding the injury. Over the left side of my stomach, there was a patch of gauze and bandages wrapped over it.

I sighed, lowering my shirt back down.

Moving slowly, I pushed myself up and stood. I used the couch and the side table next to it to aid me. I noticed my mask was resting on the surface.

I got myself to the wall of the room and used it to guide me in the direction Compress had gone.

It was far harder than I expected. My entire body ached from tiredness, and every step I took, could feel myself shaking more and more.

I contemplated sitting down on the floor, but the entirety of my being felt far too stiff — it hurt... a lot.

A few more seconds, and Compress walked back into the room with a water bottle in his hand.

I didn't know what happened, but as soon as I knew he was back, my body gave out.

I heard the water bottle hit the ground with a thunk right before arms caught me. He must have seen me sway for him to be able to catch me that fast.

He slowly lowered us both to the floor. I could tell he was trying his absolute best not to hurt me any more than I was already. Sadly, moving at all hurt, but I still appreciated his efforts.

We sat on the ground and Compress let me lean against him for support.

He sighed. "I don't know why I told you to stay... You're too stubborn to listen even if it's for your own well-being."

"You're such a father-figure.." I mumbled. "It's really annoying sometimes."

"I'm aware." He said, "But if I weren't, you'd be dead by now."

He wasn't wrong about that, he has saved my life several times.

He carefully started to shift. "Let's get you back onto the couch."

Once I nodded in agreement, he carefully helped me stand back up. I sucked in a sharp breath. He led me back over to the couch and I slowly sat down.

He went back over and picked up the water bottle, bringing it over and handing it to me. Then he sat down beside me.

I cracked open the seal of the bottle and drank about a third of it before asking my next question. "What happened in the fight?"

"What? After you were out?" He sat back. "Endeavor made an appearance. Dabi nearly died by his flames."

"And Eraser Head?"

"I saw him right before I got to you. He took off after and even when I searched, I couldn't find him again. It was like he disappeared into the wings of a stage."

I looked down at my lap, fidgeting with my fingers. "Damn."

"Please tell me you don't intend on going after him again."

"No," I sighed heavily. "No, I don't. I'm done... but once I'm recovered, I do want to give him one last goodbye."

He gave me a skeptical look.

"I promise, a goodbye is all it will be."

A/N: So... the next chapter is the book's last. Weird, right?

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