89 || Dust and Smoke

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Puppets P.O.V.

I summoned multiple souls and they ran through the dust. I needed them to locate and take out whoever was after me.

It didn't take all but a few moments until I felt several of my souls being destroyed one after another. Someone strong was here, I just didn't know who. It couldn't be Endeavor, he was busy fighting Hawks up in the air, and it didn't feel like it strength of a sidekick. It had to be another pro.

I stayed alert, constantly keeping my head on a swivel to make sure no one could sneak up on me. The dust made it near impossible to see, but I hoped it was also that way for my opponents.

The dust around me started to stir, but I felt no wind. After a moment, I saw dashes of vermilion in the dust surrounding me. Feathers. Hawks was manipulating the dust to clear the area around me. It was working, the dust started to clear and make a small pocket around where I was, allowing me to see clearly.

I didn't have time to dwell on it, though. Out from behind me jumped one of the sidekicks of Endeavor. I turned on them, not hesitating to let strings come from my fingers and right at them.

A gust of wind blew my strings away from them.

'Wind.' That was downright annoying. Not much could counter my strings, but blowing them away seemed to be an effective tactic.

More people started to invade the small opening. Now there were four of us. This was bad, if there were more coming then I was going to be at a major disadvantage.

Hawks' P.O.V.

I managed to send some feathers Puppets way without Endeavor noticing. I knew her location and cleared some dust away from her. Unlike me, she didn't have a visor or any recon abilities, so she was at a disadvantage in the dust cloud.

"Hawks! Stand down." Endeavor called to me.

"Leave Puppet Master out of it and I will." I bargained.

"Why protect her?" He asked. "You know she's a villain and has killed hundreds of innocent people!"

Yeah, I knew that. I just chose to look past it at the person Puppet was beneath all that, the person she was without all the blood she was undoubtedly responsible for spilling.

"Can't you just look past that?! Even I've killed, and I'm not criticized for it! Leave her out of this!" I yelled. "Look at yourselves! You attacked us first! We were having a calm day until you showed up!"

He muttered something under his breath that I couldn't hear. He raised his hand in my direction. I quickly flew to the side, dodging another bigger blast of flames.

Before he could get another blast at me, I tucked in my wings and dove past him, down to the dust cloud. He wouldn't be able to hit me with flames while I was diving. I had tested it while flying away from his flames earlier, I was quicker than the blasts could travel.

Puppets P.O.V.

From above me, Hawks came flying in at a speed I'd never seen him go before. He stomped right onto the back of the wind-user, sending them forcefully to the ground. At the same time, several of his feathers took out the others in the area, knocking them out on the spot.

He quickly flew to me and grabbed onto me with his arms. He flew us into a part of the dust cloud that had not been cleared and took a sharp turn, probably to get off a predictable path.

Flames blasted somewhere near us, I could feel the intense heat. Endeavor was down here now.

Hawks placed me down on the ground. He kept his wings spread out. I noticed him moving so I was right at his back, between both his wings.

I coughed a few times into my arm as the nearby dust and smoke invaded my airways.

"You good?" Hawks asked me, keeping his voice low in volume.

I couldn't have him worry about me in this situation, I'd just slow him down. "I'm fine." I assured him, also keeping my voice quiet.

"They're not gonna let us run, and we can't lead them to the others either." Hawks said.

"Then we don't have a choice." I stated. "We fight. I'll take on Endeavor. There's someone else here that's strong too. I used some souls earlier, but they were destroyed quickly."

Hawks nodded and hooked his hands under my arms. He flew upwards, flying towards where the blast of flames came from. We were going to Endeavor's location at a high speed.

I had to be the one to take the Flame Hero. Hawks couldn't, was weak to his flames and could be beaten quickly.

It wasn't long when we found Endeavor. He was standing alone. This was the perfect time to attack. Hawks flew us behind the Flame Hero, getting to his blind spot.

Once we got behind Endeavor, Hawks let go of my arms and I was sent rocketing right at the number one hero. He was surrounded by plumes of smoke so neither of us could see our surroundings well.

Right as I came up behind Endeavor, I prepared to slash at him with strings. But my attention quickly shifted as the smoke to my right moved. I quickly put up my right arm in defense as a foot kicked at me.

I was sent flying away from Endeavor and out of the dust cloud all together. Whoever that kick came from, they had extremely strong kicks.

I planted my feet into the earth and skidded along the ground until I came to a stop. I looked up at my new opponent who was now approaching me with a steadily-paced walk.

In front of me was a strong hero- one of the top ten in fact. She had dark skin, strong legs, bunny ears and a cotton tail, along with really long white hair. She was wearing a sleeveless white leotard with a purple trim and a yellow crescent moon on the chest area. On her feet were two thigh-high boots and she had white gloves with long cuffs on her hands.


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