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Third Person P.O.V.

Eraser Head tried to use his quirk on the soul Puppet was controlling, it did nothing. He readied himself for combat, ready for what was to come. He didn't have his capture weapon, but that wasn't going to stop him.

Both the heroes knew they needed to fight, if they didn't Puppet would just follow them.

Puppet smirked, them not backing down just made it more fun for her. Her job right now was to stall, if Hawks had gotten to Mr. Compress then backup was most likely on the way.

Puppet instructed her other soul to keep Present Mic busy and give him the run around. She looked at Eraser Head, her smirk twisting into a challenging grin while he scowled.

She waited for him to make the first move, the longer he waited the better. He realized what she was trying to do and just rushed at the soul.

Eraser Head reached out, trying to grab her. Puppet waited until the last possible moment to move out of the way and suddenly swerve behind him. She bashed the soul's elbow into his back hard.

The harsh hit made him stumble forward a few steps before he regained himself.

Present Mic was able to pin down the soul Puppet had put against him. He hit the wispy entity repeatedly, eventually destroying it.

Eraser Head got a hit off on Puppet and punched her in the gut, making her lose her breath and knocking her back. A knife suddenly was thrown past his face, stopping him from continuing his attack.

"We're here to join the fun!" Toga's voice cheered as she along with Twice and Shigaraki ran onto the scene.

Puppet smiled to herself, backup had arrived.

Eraser Head immediately turned to face them and erased their quirks. Shigaraki's quirk specifically was far too destructive to be left unchecked.

Shigaraki was smart, he had brought Twice, Toga, and himself because they didn't rely solely on their quirks for combat. They were all agile and had impressive combat capabilities.

Toga ran at Eraser Head, slashing at him repeatedly with one of her knifes. Twice pulled out his measuring tape and flicked it at Present Mic, trying to hit him.

Puppet was able to back up a bit and take a breath. Though she may be in the body of a soul, she still had to get air to "her" lungs.

Shigaraki didn't attack right away, instead, he walked up to Puppet and looked her up and down, "Well you're different. Care to explain?"

"Later." She replied simply then turned back to help in the ongoing fight since she had caught her breath. Shigaraki ran into the fight too.

Eraser Head focused on keeping Twice and Shigaraki's quirks erased while Present Mic kept his distance and let out small but powerful yells towards the villains.

Present Mic was able to get Eraser Head behind him. He used his quirk and yelled as loud as he could towards the group of villains. His throat was starting to get sore, he couldn't keep this up for much longer.

The villains covered their ears, trying to block out the noise.

With Present Mic keeping the villains back, both the heroes started to run. This was their best chance.

Puppet wasn't taking the full force of Present Mic's yell, so she carelessly ran after them. Unlucky for her, Eraser Head knew her course of action would be that. He quickly grabbed her and threw her into a wall, using a great amount of force to hit the soul in the head. Had it been Puppets real body she would have been knocked unconscious, but instead the soul was destroyed.


Puppet blinked several times before fully opening her eyes.

"Hey, hey. Take it easy." Hawks expressed his concern as he helped Puppet sit up by holding her arm.

"I'm fine." Puppet shrugged her arm away and held her head in her hand. Her back still hurt, she hoped it would heal itself quickly.

"Are you sure, my dear? You haven't done that in a while." Mr. Compress pushed noticing that she looked somewhat drained.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." She responded.

"Let's get to a more secure location." Kurogiri said. He opened a warp gate beside him.

"Where does that lead?" Dabi asked eying the dark portal.

"I made sure to have a back-up plan in case something like this happened. It leads to a safe house." Kurogiri explained. He was a smart man and had planned ahead.

Hawks helped Puppet up, one of her arms draped around his neck and one of his hands around her waist to support her. He walked her through Kurogiri's warp gate. Dabi and Mr. Compress followed while Kurogiri stayed behind to help the other members.


Once they were through the portal, the group of four villains found themselves in a run-down room.

The room had a circular wooden table with four matching chairs, there was a small kitchen that was a bit of a mess, and a somewhat ragged couch was in the middle of the room.

Puppet pointed to one of the chairs at the table and Hawks helped her over to sit. She sat down in the chair.

"What did you do?" Hawks asked. Dabi listened in to her answer, he was curious now, he hadn't known she could do what she did. Mr. Compress had already known and so he focused on exploring the room.

"I transferred my conscious into a soul and manually controlled it as if it were my own body." She answered.

"Well rest. I'm sure it took something out of you to do that." Hawks said.

Puppet nodded, leaning onto the table using her elbows. Usually it wouldn't take too much energy to transfer herself to a soul, but like Mr. Compress said, she hadn't done it in a while and was therefore somewhat rusty.

She sighed.

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