18 || Random League Shenanigans

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Third Person P.O.V.

The League of Villains are currently on a mini-mission. The only one not there is Kurogiri, he is back watching the bar.

"We killed the idiot now let's go!" Spinner snapped as he started to head in the direction of the escape route they had planned to use. Everyone else quickly followed.

Right after he started making his way to the exit with the others Shigaraki collapsed to the floor unconscious, he was exhausted. He hadn't gotten much sleep in days and had been trying to act as a 'better leader' according to Kurogiri by planning more things out.

All the members of the league stopped walking and looked at Shigaraki.

"Did he pass out? We can't have that. Someone do something." Compress was concerned for their leader.

"Already on it." Dabi went over and laid down next to the passed out figure of Shigaraki. Toga, Twice, Spinner and Magne followed suit and laid down next to each other. All their eyes rested closed... were they sleeping?!

"What are you doing?! Get up!" Compress was now concerned about what most of his allies were doing.

"Shh, it's nap time." Toga whispered putting her index finger over her lips.

"Is Kurogiri really the only one who can talk sense into them?" Puppet asked Mr. Compress.

"I'm afraid so..." Mr. Compress sounded disappointed.

"You know what? We need to go. I'll drag them, you compress Shigaraki."

"Why not all of them?" Mr. Compress asked.

"They don't deserve the luxury. Don't get me wrong, I would leave them but they're our allies." Puppet responded with little emotion in her tone.

"Well this has turned rather uneventful." Mr. Compress muttered as he walked up next to Shigaraki and compressed him after touching his shoulder.

Puppet wrapped some of her strings around each of the League members' (excluding Mr. Compress and herself) ankles and started to drag them across the ground heading to their planned escape route. Mr. Compress followed with the marble holding Shigaraki tucked in the pocket of his jacket.

"Ow ow ow! Okay I'll walk stop dragging me!" Dabi gave in first after being dragged by Puppets string for around 15 seconds.

"Let me up too, my back hurts!" Toga whined.

"You guys are weaklings!" Twice objected to his friends getting up though he too quickly gave in as well.

Puppet let go of the strings that were holding the three whiney League members and they got up and started to walk themselves.

Mange got up next around a minute later. "Someone help me up, I'm done."

Spinner was the last to give up after a few more minutes when Puppet started to individually drag him harshly trying to break through his scales. "Ouch! Alright enough, get your string off me!"

Puppet let go of the last string allowing Spinner to get up and start walking, "Good, now you're all walking. That wasn't too hard was it?"

None of the League members responded and Mr. Compress snickered at their silence.

They eventually got back to the bar without any trouble and just hung around a bit while Kurogiri tended to Shigaraki.

A/N: This next one will lead into the next chapter

"Haha, gottchu wasp! Dumb insect." Twice celebrated in a booth of the bar when he caught a wasp that was bothering him under a white cup.

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