45 || Safe

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—34 minutes later—

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I ran through the gates of UA and onto the campus grounds. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary at first glance, no alarms were going off.

I had called Nezu on my way here to let him know that something could possibly happen, telling him to be prepared just in case.

The doors of the school opened and out walked Snipe.

He approached me, "Eraser, Nezu told me to come meet you." He said, "Nothing has happened, no attacks."

I let out a sigh of relief, Puppet had been bluffing.

"Do you have any idea where Mic and Eri are?" I asked him.

"They should still be in the dorms."

"And the students?"

"All still in their regular classes, nothing has changed with the schedule."

I nodded, "I'm going to the dorms." I told him then turned and started to walk at a relatively quick pace towards the dorms.


I got up to the dorms and opened the door into the common room. The first things- or rather people that I saw were Mic and Eri. Mic was sitting on the couch and Eri was sitting on the floor, a bunch of crayons and papers in front of her. She was drawing.

Mic was the first to notice I was here, "Aizawa!"

Eri turned and looked up at me, "Mr. Eraser! You're back!"

She ran up and hugged my leg, she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh! I drew you something!" Eri said with excitement. She let go of my leg and ran back over to the section of the floor that was littered with paper and crayons.

She picked up a piece of paper and ran back to me. She held up the paper for me to look at the drawing on it. I crouched down so I could see the drawing better.

The drawing was entirely out of crayon. It was a drawing of me with some cats.

"Do you like it?" Eri asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, it looks great." I said. I reached out and ruffled her hair a bit while she let out a giggle.

She sat back on the ground and continued to draw, now it looked like she was drawing Mic, though the only reason I could tell was because of the long lines of yellow crayon on top of a stick figures head.

"So what happened? I heard there might've been an attack." Mic asked.

"Puppet bluffed me out, said something about both you and Eri being in danger." I answered.

"Don't let her get to you dude. She's in Tartarus now, locked up tight."

He had a point, she would have no contact with the rest of the League so long as she was within those walls.

I rubbed my face with my hands, finally realizing how tired I was after today's events.

"Go rest, we'll be here." Mic assured me, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, okay." I replied then I said a quick goodbye to Eri before I stood up and headed off to my living space.

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