63 || Infiltrate

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—8:30 am the next day—

Third Person P.O.V.

Kurogiri went around the third floor knocking on all the doors to wake everyone up.

Once everyone was up they all walked down to the main floor. A few in the group still seemed to me half asleep with Toga's hair a mess and Twice dragging his feet tiredly along the floor.

Twice wasn't wearing his costume, instead he was wearing a green hoodie along with navy jeans and black sneakers. The reason was because the plan was to get Eri to come willingly, she wouldn't do that if she recognized Twice as a villain since she had already seen him in his villain costume back when the Shie Hassaikai still existed.

Toga also wasn't wearing her normal clothes, instead she was wearing a long blue coat that went down to her knees.

"Toga for goodness sake brush your hair." Mr. Compress took notice of the teenager's untamed hair.

"Hmm?" Toga looked at him like he had three heads for a moment before she registered what he had said. "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot."

"At least put it up." Mr. Compress suggested.

Toga complied and used the two hair ties on her wrist to tie her hair up into two messy buns.

"Is everyone here?" Shigaraki asked.

"You're the leader, you should know if all the people you work with are here." Dabi rolled his eyes.

"We are all here, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri answered the question from his boss.

"Alright. We all know what we're doing so Kurogiri open a warp gate and let's go." Shigaraki commanded.

With a sigh, Kurogiri opened a large warp gate. Everyone walked through, but Twice stayed behind for a second.

"Aren't you coming?" Twice asked looking back at Kurogiri.

"No. I have been instructed to stay here in order to ensure the heroes don't escape and nothing happens." Kurogiri replied.

Twice shrugged, "Your choice man." He went through the warp gate, leaving Kurogiri.

Kurogiri closed the warp gate. Then he went to go and sit down on the couch in the room. He really had nothing to do, so he was able to have some time to himself.

On the other side of the warp gate, the group was in an alleyway. The alley was a few blocks from UA, so they would be out of sight.

"Toga, go." Shigaraki instructed pointing to the exit of the alleyway.

"Yeah fine." Toga pulled out a small vile of blood from her pocket. She slipped off the long coat she was wearing and dropped it to the ground beside her, leaving her in just her skin-tight white suit along with Eraser Heads capture weapon and goggles which were both around her neck. She opened the vile and poured most of the blood into her mouth. Her body started to morph and change again, turning into Eraser Head.

"You three are staying hidden right?" Puppet asked turning to Shigaraki, Dabi and Magne.

"Yes, and so are you and Hawks." Shigaraki responded.

"We're calling Kurogiri to get us back right? We don't need him to get back." Twice asked then contradicted himself.

"Yes, we're getting warped back." Shigaraki was now annoyed by being bombarded with questions, "Now does anyone else have any more questions?"

"Do I have to be here?" Dabi asked.

"Shut up, ashtray." Shigaraki snapped only to get a smug smirk from Dabi.

"Let's get this done." Magne encouraged.

"Yeah, see ya." Toga (who was now identical to Eraser Head) walked out of the alley to UA.

Shigaraki along with Dabi and Magne went and hid. Mr. Compress and Twice backed farther into the shadows of the current alley. Hawks held his hand out to Puppet and she took it. He flew them both up into the air and over onto a metal balcony that overlooked the alleyway.

They were all now out of sight. Now all they had to do was wait for Toga to do her part.

Toga's P.O.V.

I walked away from the others. I was in Eraser Heads body now so I had to think and act like him. Puppet said he was a stoic and very blunt man, so all I really needed to do was not say more than I needed to and locate the little girl.

'I wonder if she's cuter than when I last saw her?' I was getting all psyched just thinking about it. Last time I saw her was when I was a bad little gangster girl in the Shie Hassaikai.

I walked through the school gates holding my breath. The security system was advanced so I may or may not be able to get through. I passed under the archway. The gates didn't close on me, I was good.

I walked farther onto the school campus.

I felt something down by my right leg. A white cat was rubbing up against me and purring. It was really, really cute.


"Eraser Head!" Someone called. I turned to see a grey-skinned blocky looking dude. I've seen a picture of him before, he was the teacher and pro hero; Cementoss. He came walking over to me with a soft smile and a wave.

"We began to get worried when we weren't able to get into contact with you or Mic. Glad to see you're back." He said.

'Right, Compress told me a good excuse for this.'

"We ran into a villain with an EMP quirk, it permanently fried our electronics." I lied. I was nailing this so far.

"Did you succeed in your mission?" He asked.

"No." I answered with one word. I wanted to say more, but then I would be breaking character and I didn't feel like getting a scolding from Compress right now.

"Eri's in the teachers dorms right now?" I asked.

"Of course, I think it's Togata that is watching her at the moment." He answered me.

I held back a smile, the information handy man gave me was right.

"Alright, I'm gonna go see her." I told him.

"Good seeing you back." He said as a goodbye and I nodded to him.

I almost started skipping as I left in the direction of the teachers dorms. Luckily, I stopped myself and stuck my hands in my pockets and just walked away like a boring normal person.

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