59 || Question

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Third Person P.O.V.

The two heroes were left alone for a few minutes before the door to the room opened again and Puppet walked back in. But this time she was accompanied by Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Puppet closed the door behind them and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Greetings, heroes." Shigaraki greeted with his gravelly voice.

"We have questions for you. I'd advise that you cooperate and give us the information we seek." Kurogiri told.

"Here's how this'll go: I'll ask you questions and you'll answer. If you don't give me the answers I'm looking for or try to change the subject, something will happen to one of you." Shigaraki stated.

"In other words don't lie or waste our time, for you will meet an untimely demise." Kurogiri summarized.

"You foster the brat from the Shie Hassakai. Where do you keep her?" Shigaraki asked, he didn't feel like wasting any of his 'oh so precious' time.

"We're not answering that or any of your questions." Eraser Head stated firmly.

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes at the uncooperative heroes.

"Answer the question." Puppet demanded, her voice dangerously low.

Both the heroes still stayed silent.

"Fine then." Puppet walked up behind Eraser Head. She covered his eyes with her hands, blocking his vision.

"All you see if you're blind is black, right?" She asked the erasing hero.

Eraser Head didn't answer her. His heart was beating a bit harder in his chest as he once again was under threat of losing his eyes, and with them, his quirk.

"Right?" Puppet asked again.

"Yes." Eraser Head answered not wanting to anger the villains in the room further.

Puppet let out a hum of satisfaction at his answer, seeing him begin to bend to her will was just downright satisfying.

"So how 'bout it, Mic? Are you going to leave him to go blind by my hand?" Puppet asked looking at the loud hero.

"She lives in the teachers dorms." Present Mic quickly but hesitantly answered, "She's just trying to adjust to a normal life so leave her alone!"

Puppet moved her hands off Eraser Heads eyes and stepped back.

"You won't get to her if you tried, she's protected by the UA faculty." Eraser Head spat at Shigaraki.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Shigaraki said back, his tone amused.

Like all the pieces of a puzzle falling perfectly together, it all suddenly clicked for Eraser Head. The question, their blood that they took, the whole reason the League was keeping them here... Toga. Her quirk; transformation. They were planning to take their place at UA in order to get to Eri.

"I assume you both know what we plan on doing." Kurogiri said.

"Leave her alone." Eraser Head growled.

"No." Shigaraki said, a smile could be heard in his voice.

Shigaraki turned around. "I'll get the others, you two stay here. I want to show them something." He said to Kurogiri and Puppet. He walked over to the door and opened it, stepping out to go find the other villains in the building.

"Yes, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri responded while Puppet silently accepted with a short nod.

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