90 || "Small fry."

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Puppets P.O.V.

Mirko had a grin plastered on her face as she walked towards me.

"Heya, Puppet Master." She greeted rather casually despite the situation, "Ya'know you've got real spunk, but you can't just do whatever. So now I'm here and you're gonna get beat to a pulp!"

"So you're the one who's been destroying my souls." I said.

"Oh yeah. They're easy; one kick and they're done." She shrugged.

She was physically stronger and faster than me, I knew that. This fight was going to be very fast paced, that is if I could even keep up with her.

"Well, might as well end this now." She declared cracking her knuckles by interlacing them in front of her and pressing them back. She leaped at me.

It seemed like less than a second had passed when I was knocked to the ground with great force. I was flat on my back to the dirt ground. She was so fast that I could barely see her jump up into the air and slam her foot down at me.

I didn't have time. I needed time.

I summoned a soul right on top of me that took the blunt force of Mirko's kick in my place. The soul was instantly destroyed. I rarely used souls for defense like that, it was an utter waste, so I only did it if there was no other option.

The soul did nothing to help me avoid Mirko's next move. She grabbed my shoulders and pinned me down with a painfully harsh grip. One of her legs held down both of my own. I hooked my arms around Mirko's, trying to loosen her grip at least a smidge to give me some wiggle room. She didn't budge.

"I heard the League was made up of powerful people." She said. "I can't say I'm impressed, you're such a small fry compared to other villains I've faced."

"Small fry? That's what you think of me?" I spat. "Sounds to me like someone didn't do their research."

I had my throwing knife dispensers up my sleeves. I ejected one into my hand and stabbed it into her right arm.

To my astonishment, she barely even reacted. She just took a damn throwing knife into her arm and Didn't. Even. Fucking. Flinch. She was the number 5- no, the number 4 hero for a reason.

'Fine then.' I hit my fist against the back of the knife, forcing it deeper into her arm.

Now Mirko's hold faltered. Her right arm gave out and allowed me to move my left arm better.

I reached up and grabbed a whole fistful of Mirko's long white hair, jerking it as hard as I could to the side.

Her head followed the harsh pull on her hair and her whole body shifted to the side. Now I was able to roll her off me. I managed to roll us so Mirko was now on the ground instead of me. The tables had turned.

"Augh-!" She let out a yell of pain as I grabbed onto the throwing knife still in her arm and pressed it against the ground, pinning her arm down. I could feel the slick of blood coming from her wound.

I used my free hand to get another throwing knife and swing it down towards her face. She caught my forearm with her own free hand and halted my swing.

I hadn't paid any attention until now, but she looked absolutely feral. Her teeth were barred, but instead of a snarl, she had a big grin on her face.

Before I could register her movements, she had kneed me in the stomach. The hit caused me to let go of her and drop my throwing knife, it also flung my body a few feet upward.

"'Cya!" Mirko yelled. She immediately followed up her first hit by recoiling her legs and kicking both her feet directly into my stomach, hard.

The hit felt like I took a cannonball head on and I was rocketed straight up into the air. The breath was knocked right out of my lungs and the foul taste of bile rose up to the back of my throat.

Mirko jumped up at me from the ground, one of her legs winding back mid-jump for a kick. I moved my body mid-air to avoid the kick. I flung her away from me using my strings.

We each landed hard, my boots absorbed the impact and I'm sure her legs did the same for her.

Mirko ran at me again. An idea popped into my head. I knew enough about the human body to know a way to stop her for good.

With a skilled and precise flick of one of my fingers, a single string slashed through the air and I was able to slice the back of Mirko's left heel. She could no longer support her weight on that foot and almost fell to the ground, but she caught herself. Instead, she lowered herself into a kneeling position, clutching right above the heel of her injured foot.

I smiled, I had cut the achilles tendon of her left heel. Now she would have a hell of a time jumping after me, let alone walking or even standing on her injured foot.

I walked over to her, but not too close, I wasn't a fool. I took in the sight of a bloody and beaten hero from the top ten in Japan. Blood dripping down her right arm from the knife I stabbed into it, and a small pool of blood on the ground by the back of her foot.

"Am I still a small fry?" I asked. I did want an answer. She was the highest ranked female hero in all of Japan, and so I wanted to hear her answer, no one else's.

"I'll admit, I underestimated you. But I'm not dying to a stupid mistake like that. No way." She was still smiling... smiling like it was the best day of her life.

Getting impatient, I lashed out at her with strings. I was impressed when she used her uninjured leg and foot to jump back a great distance. She kept jumping backwards at a quick speed, too quick for me to catch up.

I let her run- or rather hop away. I guess I respected her in a way, like me, she was representation of female strength.

I didn't allow myself to get distracted. I turned and ran off. I needed to get back to Hawks, I was sure he was having trouble once again fighting Endeavor on his own.

A/N: Art!

A/N: Art!

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