22 || The Music Box

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—Wait until I say so to start the video—

Third Person P.O.V.

The large doors of the auditorium creaked loudly when they were opened by Tsuyoshi. Then he stepped into the spacious room followed by Katsumi who was using his phone as a flashlight.

The auditorium was lined with rows and rows of cushioned seats. There were balcony seating sections too. The seats on the ground were divided down the middle by a path that led to the stage in the front of the room. The stage was large and the red curtains that went with it were open almost all the way. Most of the room was worn down and looked like it had not been touched for years (because it hadn't), lots of dust had accumulated and almost everything was lightly dusted grey.

As Tsuyoshi and Katsumi walked through the auditorium they both got the sensation of being watched. A chill went up each of their spines.

"You really think a villain took him in here?" Tsuyoshi asked Katsumi who was now standing next to him.

"It's where the trail of skid marks lead." Katsumi answered.

A music box started to play, it's tune echoed through the large dome-like room. Both the boys froze in place, the tune was chilling due to the circumstance they were in.

(—Play and listen to the video now, for the best experience close your eyes—)

Then it stopped.

"Uhh... W-What was that..?" Tsuyoshi asked. He was fearful of what they were walking into but he wasn't going to turn back now, he wanted to find his friend. His not turning back was probably his quirk kicking in.

Shishido Tsuyoshi - Quirk: Bravery
He faces his fears with less hesitation than others, though he sometimes gets hurt by how reckless he can be.

"I don't know dude, what I do know is that we shouldn't be here. We need to go, we don't know what happened and we don't know what could happen." Katsumi said. He knew he would probably be the only voice of reason. Though he too wanted to find his friend he knew it would be in both their best interests to call the police and wait for heroes to show up, they were in danger as long as they were there.

Furukawa Katsumi - Quirk: Levelheadedness
He is more self-controlled than others and processes thoughts while remaining calm.

"No, we still need to find Satoshi." Tsuyoshi responded.

"I want to find him too but it won't be helpful if we're all dead." Katsumi whispered.

A single spotlight over the center of the large stage suddenly turned on. Under the spotlight was Satoshi, he was being held like a marionette by several strings.

The strings started to move causing Satoshi's body to move with them. Both Katsumi and Tsuyoshi watched in horror as Satoshi's body contorted into positions that the human body wasn't designed to go into.

Satoshi screamed in pain as he was manipulated. He could feel the joints in his arms and legs popping out of their sockets.

Puppet was sitting up in one of the balcony seating sections. She was out of sight of Katsumi and Tsuyoshi but was visible to Satoshi. She kept manipulating the strings attached to Satoshi and watched his agony in amusement. She mostly let the string that was attached to his neck alone still but moved it every once and a while to remind the teenager that his life was in her hands. She could snap his neck easily, and she wanted to, but she controlled herself.

Katsumi and Tsuyoshi ran up to the stage and up the side steps to their friend. Puppet let the strings relax and Satoshi's limp body fell onto the floor of the stage and into a slumped sitting position, the string around his neck keeping him upright.

"Satoshi! Come on dude get up!" Tsuyoshi encouraged with urgency in his tone. Satoshi didn't move, he couldn't move his arms or his legs (which were bent in unnatural ways).

"I-I can't." Satoshi admitted while gritting his teeth to decrease the pain in his joints and muscles. He looked down at his legs then back up at his best friends.

"We'll carry you then." Katsumi proposed putting his phone back in his pocket and turning off the flashlight.

"No, I'm dead weight. Just... run before she gets you." Satoshi's sentence nearly ended in a whisper.

"Who?" Katsumi asked.

Satoshi moved his gaze up to the balcony where Puppet was. "Her..." He answered.

All the boys looked up at the balcony, they could see the dark silhouette of a person.

The light on stage went out. They were plunged into darkness, the only source of light now was the faint glow of the moon through the single small window towards the top of the room.


The sickening crack that sounded like a twig breaking was audible on the quiet stage. The sound came directly from where Satoshi was.

The light on stage turned back on causing both Katsumi and Tsuyoshi to flinch at the sudden brightness. The two boys looked around, Satoshi was missing.

But then they looked up.

Satoshi was suspended in the air several feet above them by the strings he was attached to. The strings around his ankles and wrists seemed to have a bit of slack, though the string that was supporting most of his weight was the one around his neck, but his neck was hanging forward in an unnatural way.

Satoshi's lifeless and glossy eyes stared blankly down at the other two boys. He was dead, his neck had been snapped by the string that was around it. A misty white light rose from his corpse and hovered next to him.

"S-Sat-Satoshi.." Katsumi breathed in disbelief.

Tsuyoshi ripped his eyes away from Satoshi's body and up to the balcony where they had saw the silhouette of the figure who they could only assume was the villain responsible. They were gone too.

While the lights were off Puppet had jumped down from the balcony using the very string that was around Satoshi's neck, hanging him. She was now right in the middle of the path in the center of the room that led to the stage.

Puppet took a few steps towards the stage making her presence known to the two teenage boys. Katsumi stared at her with wide eyes as she made her way up to the stage, 'Are we next?!' He thought. He instinctively went to run to the steps of the stage but was grabbed by black strings around his right arm.

The strings jerked Katsumi back onto the stage and threw him into Tsuyoshi. The impact knocked both of the teens onto the floor of the stage with a thud.

"I suggest you both stay down." Puppet warned. Neither one of the boys moved to get up out of pure fear. Puppet walked up onto the stage and to Satoshi's body.

Puppet stuck her left hand up into the air to take the soul but the white light only fazed through her hand. She didn't seem surprised, her quirk was gone, but that just gave her more awareness of her opponent.

Puppet smirked, "Heh, you're a tad late...

...Eraser Head."

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