30 || Mission with a Winged Man

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—Sunday at 4:46pm—

Third Person P.O.V.

Puppet walked down the stairs, her face a frown as she saw the winged man sitting on the couch in the room. "What is he doing here?" She spat venomously.

"You're going on a mission with him." Shigaraki said, giving her a response.

"Why not have Dabi do it?" Puppet asked, her voice still had an edge to it.

"Dabi is currently unavailable." Kurogiri answered.

"Fine." Puppet groaned.

"Then let's get going!" Hawks cheered jumping up from his seat on the couch.

"Go wait outside, I'll be there in a minute." Puppet instructed Hawks, then she looked at both Kurogiri and Shigaraki, "Can I talk to you two?"

"Sure." Hawks left the bar, but before he did, he slyly left behind one of his feathers next to the couch.

Once the door to the outside world closed, Puppet waited for a few moments before speaking.

"Why me of all the members of the League?" Puppet asked, "His quirk counters mine."

"It's because he seems attached to you. We would have sent Dabi, but freakin' staples is doing something 'more important'." Shigaraki said.

"Fine, I'll do it. If I don't come back, then kill him." Puppet said.

"With pleasure." Shigaraki gladly accepted her suggestion.

"I do have something for you if things go wrong." Kurogiri said and held out his hand, he was holding a small square computer-chip-like object.

Puppet took the small object from his hand. She examined it, she couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"We bought a few of these from Giran, they are small tracking devices. They are waterproof and heat resistant. If you begin to get an uneasy feeling about a situation, turn it on to give us your location. Only I will be able to get the signal given off by the tracker." Kurogiri explained, "The signal should not be able to be either detected nor blocked or interrupted- no matter where you may be."

"Got it. Let's hope I won't have to use it." Puppet responded showing her understanding and slipped the tracker into her pocket.

"Yes, let's." Shigaraki agreed somewhat sarcastically.

"Here's the meetup point." Kurogiri handed a small slip of paper to Puppet, "The meeter agreed to come alone, make sure they keep their word."

Hawks' P.O.V.

The door to the hideout opened and Puppet walked out then closed the door behind her.

I was able to 'hear' the whole conversation between Kurogiri, Shigaraki, and Puppet because of the feather I left back in the room.

"You still don't trust me?" I asked.

"No." She answered speedily.

"Do you trust anyone?"

"Very few."

I sighed, "Well let's get going then."

Third Person P.O.V.

"We're pretty close to Uwabami's agency right now, you sure this is where we're supposed to be?" Hawks asked as he and Puppet both walked down yet another alley.

"There's a good amount of crime everywhere that goes under even the best agency's noses." Puppet said, "We're here anyway."

I looked around, we were just in a random alley. Nothing special about it whatsoever.

"It doesn't look like all that much." He said.

"God you're petty." Puppet mumbled leaning against the sidewall of the alley.

Of course, Hawks misheard the word 'petty' as 'pretty', so what was the first thing that popped into his mind to do? Boast about it of course.

"Damn right I'm pretty." He said proudly striking a pose.

"I said 'petty'" Puppet corrected.

Hawks made an exaggerated but fake hurt sound and expression, "Oh come on, just give me this one win!"

"No, I like it better when you're disappointed." She said back with a smug smirk.

They waited for a few minutes before Puppet spoke again.

"Go around the corner and wait. Make sure this person comes alone." She instructed.

"'Kay." Hawks replied simply and deployed several of his feathers to make a perimeter around the alleyway before he walked around the corner of the alley and disappeared into the shadows.

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