73 || Information

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Eraser Head's P.O.V.

The police officer was able to drive us the distance to UA, it took a while, but we made it. We did end up thanking him and said he would be compensated by UA.

We rushed through the gates and quickly ran through the halls of the school building towards Nezu's office.

"Oh hey, Mr. Aizawa's back! Hey, teach!" Someone called after us. I recognized the voice as Kaminari's. I ignored him, there were more pressing matters that demanded my attention right now.

We ran right up to Nezu's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Nezu's cheerful voice allowed our entry.

Mic and I went into the room, me closing the door after we were in to secure our privacy. Nezu was sitting at his desk with a small cup of tea in his hand as always. I was going to speak but Nezu did first.

"Oh well I didn't think you'd be back so soon, welcome back you two." The small animal-like principle of the school greeted us. He looked at us and his head cocked to the side, "Where are your support items?"

"We were ambushed." I said bluntly, making the attention in the room turn to me. "Call Tsukauchi, we need him here right now." I know I was coming off as a bit harsh right now, but in my mind it was necessary. This was something that needed to be addressed now.

Nezu obliged and walked over to his desk, pickup up his phone. He called Tsukauchi who said he was available and could be here within the next 15-20 minutes. He also ended up calling Recovery Girl to come and patch up some of Mic and I's smaller gashes and injuries. Surprisingly, despite the circumstances, neither of us were all that harmed.


"There's nothing I can do for this. Sorry, Aizawa." Recovery Girl said apologetically as she gestured to the cut and stitches on the side of my face. I had sat down on the couch so I could be at the short woman's level.

"Yeah, it's fine." I was hoping she would be able to do something about the black strings that were stitched into me, but I guess not.

Just as Recovery Girl finished her work on Mic and I and was about to leave, a knock came from the door.

"Come in." Nezu said.

The door opened and in walked Detective Tsukauchi.

"Hi." He greeted as he held the door open for Recovery Girl to exit. After she was gone he closed the door.

"Welcome, Detective Tsukauchi." Nezu greeted back.

"You sent us right into an ambush and got us taken as prisoners." I stated bitterly, not letting anyone else start off the conversation.

"The police force thought we took all the necessary precautions to make sure that didn't happen, for that I apologize." He responded.

"They knew we were coming, they had a well thought out plan and sedatives to incapacitate us. Someone tipped them off." I added.

"We still haven't found anyone within the school with a sufficient amount of evidence to say that they're a traitor." Nezu jumped in, preventing me from aggressively saying anything else.

"The League got onto the schools grounds, we're not sure what they did but they wanted to get to Eri." Mic said, getting off the previous topic.

"I didn't know that, we'll need to up our security." Nezu announced.

"It wouldn't have mattered, they used Himiko Toga's quirk, she transformed into one of us and probably walked right through the gates." I told.

"I assure you that Eri is safe, I saw her earlier with Hado. She seemed perfectly fine." Nezu added.

"On the upside, we got some information on Puppet Master's quirk." Mic's words seemed to catch Tsukauchi's attention. "She can take manual control of her souls one by one. As a downside, she can't use her any physical part of her quirk and also loses all awareness of her person."

"I'll add that to the file." Tsukauchi said pulling a notepad from his coat pocket and jotting something down on it.

"What happened while you were prisoners of the League?" Tsukauchi asked us.

"They took us for information." Mic said leaving the floor open for me to add on.

"They didn't torture us, but I wouldn't doubt that they were willing to. They used me as leverage to get information from Mic. Long story short, we eventually gave them the information." I added.

"How did you get out? From my understanding you arrived here in a police vehicle." Tsukauchi asked.

"They had us in locks and chains, but we were kept in the same room. We waited until we thought the villains were gone, then Mic used his quirk to break some chains and a bobby-pin to pick the remaining locks. We collapsed the building after the League started to come back." I explained.

"Speaking of which, I was told before I came here that the remains of Kenji Hikiishi were found in the rubble of the building you escaped from." Tsukauchi told.

'We managed to kill Magne.' I thought. That was one down, eight to go. Neither me nor Mic intended to kill by collapsing the building, it was simply just our best way to escape.

There was nothing else that really needed to be said, so Tsukauchi started speaking again. "The information you gave me on Puppet Master is useful, next time-"

Those words just set me off. I instantly jumped up to stand, "They would've killed us had we not been useful to them! They infiltrated the school grounds and could've killed if they felt like it!" I yelled at the detective, "There is no next time! I'm done going after her so don't ask me again!"

I turned away and stormed out of the room in a full fit of rage. I was done. If Tsukauchi planned to send someone back out I wasn't going to let it be me.

Luckily classes were in session so most of the hallways were empty. I made my way to the exit and went outside to get some fresh air.

I walked over to a bench that was under a tree and sat down with a heavy sigh. I put my elbows on my knees and leaned forward, resting my head in my hands. I closed my eyes for a moment, focusing on my breathing and calming myself.

I heard a small meow from in front of my face coming from the ground. I opened my eyes and took my head off my hands. There sat a white cat looking up at me with the most innocent eyes.

"Hey, Sushi.." I picked the white cat up and placed him next to me on the bench.

Sushi decided to walk over and curl up on my lap. I didn't mind it, I just pet his head and he started heavily purring. He pushed his head into my hand. I sighed, it was good to know that I was appreciated by someone.

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