80 || Rescue

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Eraser Head's P.O.V.

Puppet had kept me here for what felt like hours. The position of the sun in the sky had shifted, telling me that a considerably long amount of time had indeed passed.

She wouldn't tell me anything regarding the status of my students, I had no idea whether they were alive or dead. The thoughts of what had happened to them were running through my mind, that was torture in itself. It was agonizing.

Puppet walked up in front of me, "Still thinking about your students?" She asked.

"Why are you still keeping me here?" I asked, still trying to sound somewhat stoic.

"Because I like to see you break." She answered. I wouldn't doubt it, she was probably getting a good kick out of seeing me like this.

Puppet opened her mouth to say something else, but she stayed silent as something else other than me caught her attention. Her gaze flicked to the side and she stared off in that direction.

I followed her eyes to where she was looking, there was nothing there but trees. I was confused, what was she looking at?

"Mr. Aizawa!" A voice called.

That was Midoriya's voice.

After hearing the voice of one of my students, Puppet's hand quickly reached out and grabbed my neck from behind. One of her fingers pressed harshly and painfully into a pressure point on the side of my neck. I instantly froze my neck in place out of instinct, decreasing the pain as much as possible.

I felt my body being released from the tight bindings of the strings, but my wrists were quickly rebound behind my back.

"Ground. now." She commanded.

I couldn't move well enough or quick enough to her liking, so she kicked my feet out from under me and I fell down onto my knees. I winced as she put a tad more pressure against my neck and slowly tipped me over, forcing me to lay on my side on the ground. She crouched down beside me and I could feel her being careful as to not put too much pressure on my neck.

I tried to move my legs to give me some leverage to be able to push myself up. Puppet pressed her finger into my neck more in order to cease my struggles. It worked and I stopped moving, quickly realizing that the more I moved the more force she would put onto my pressure point.

I steadied my breathing to a slower pace, allowing myself to relax and calm down as much as possible. I began to get a slight headache from my pressure point being pressed down on for too long.

I felt like a helpless animal being painfully pinned down by a trap, I couldn't move. It was nowhere near a comforting feeling, I was forced entirely under Puppets control.

This was why her villain name was Puppet Master, this was why she was feared. If she got a hold of her victims, she would treat them as puppets and get them completely under her control. Then, once she got bored, she'd kill them and take their souls.

I watched as Midoriya followed by Asui ran through the tree line and into the clearing Puppet and I were in. They both looked unharmed, that relieved me.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Asui called as her eyes fell on me.

I probably looked really weak and pathetic right now. But knowing it was Midoriya and Asui, they would completely disregard what I looked like and would do everything they could to get me out and safe. Though, them trying to do anything would be risky.

"Your teacher is in a bit of a dangerous situation at the moment." Puppet spoke from above me.

"Let him go!" Midoriya yelled.

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