27 || For Old Times Sake

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—Saturday at 7:34pm—

Puppets P.O.V.

"Puppet, my dear, would you care to wander around with me for a bit?" Compress asked.

I was sitting at the counter of the bar, I had been talking to Kurogiri about what the League might grow to become when Compress approached me and asked the question.

"Sure why not." I shrugged, we hadn't spent much time with just the two of us since we joined the League.

"I will inform Tomura of your leave." Kurogiri told us as I got up from my seat at the bar. I nodded to him.

"Where you guys going?" Toga asked cheerfully.

"That, my dear, is a secret that will not be told." Compress said.

"Ooh~" Toga said in a playful tone, "You're keeping secrets from us now Mr. Magic Man~?"

"I'm a magician, my dear, I have many secrets." I heard Compress snap his fingers and I looked over at him. He had decompressed his yellow coat and was putting it on.

Compress and I both walked out of the bar.

"So where to?" I asked as I followed him out into the streets.

"I was thinking we could commit a small bit of crime somewhere. Just for old times sake, possibly a robbery." Compress suggested.

I smiled thinking of what we could pull off together, "Did you have any place in mind?"

"Of course. Are you familiar with the jewelry shop next to the Pearl Café?"

"Mhm." I hummed.

"Well I found a way in." I heard the amusement and mischievousness behind his voice.


I followed Compress to the jewelry store. He led us to the back of the building.

There was a single back door.

Compress caught me eyeing the door, I was thinking of opening it, "That will set off an alarm unless it's disabled from the inside." He told me.

"I assume you have a different way to get in." I said. He was stealth, so there was absolutely no way he would purposefully set off an alarm.

"Up there." He pointed to a vent on the side of the building. I looked up at it, it was too small for any normal-sized adult to get through.

Compress reached up and compressed the grate of the vent into one of his marbles.

"There's one way to get through, I'm fairly certain you know what I'm thinking of." He was right, I probably did know what he was planning.

"I'll go. Just throw me through, I'll disable the alarms and open the door for you."

I nodded and he compressed himself.

I picked up the small blue orb. Reaching up, I threw the marble into the vent, hearing it bouncing off the sides of the tunnel with small metallic clangs.

I waited for a bit until the back door was opened from the inside by none other than the magician himself.

"Alarms are disarmed." Compress said with a bow and held the door open for me to walk through.

'You're such a gentleman.' I thought with a slight eye-roll as I walked through the open door.

I heard Compress close the door behind us as we stepped in. He led us to the main room.

"Just watch where you step, there's a laser system." He warned right before we stepped into the main room where all the jewelry was kept.

"Okay, easy. Let's go." I said.

We walked into the main room. Like Compress said, there was indeed a laser system. It wasn't all that intricate, only a few lasers here and there, nothing we couldn't easily avoid.

Compress walked up to a glass case and compressed a small circle of the glass, giving him easy access to the jewelry inside.

I walked up to a cube of glass on a pedestal. The cube contained an expensive-looking diamond necklace, the crystal clear jewels littered along the chain that was clasped around a mannequins neck and a large diamond pendant hanging on the end.

With a swift flick of my fingers, I used a string to cleanly cut the top of the cube open. I took the necklace off the mannequin and out of the cube. The necklace was relatively heavy, around 2 pounds at least.

We stayed there collecting jewelry for about 7 minutes when we decided to leave.

I looked down in front of my feet. There was a red laser beam that would set off the building's alarm system if something were to get in its way. I purposely poked the toe of my left boot into the laser.

"Oops~" I spoke innocently as the alarms started to go off.

"Ohoho, in the mood for a chase are we?" Compress asked, I could tell he was grinning behind his mask.

I turned to him and smiled a mischievous smile, "Always."

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