96 || News

990 37 15


Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I was in the teachers lounge on a break when Cementoss came in and turned on the tv to a news station. I at first wasn't interested the news, it was just another version of the press giving out information.

"The villain has taken control of one of the helicopters. Endeavor is trying to block her off but is failing. She's now turned on the other helicopter and is seemingly trying to cause the two aircrafts to collide mid-air!"

'A villain taken control of a helicopter, pilots these days aren't trained well enough.' I thought as I listened in, still focusing on grading the papers the class worked on yesterday. They had taken a test on support items.

"The two aircrafts have collided creating a large explosion. The villain is nowhere to be seen- wait! She jumped out the aircraft before the collision and is now airborne!"

I now decided to look up at the tv. Whoever this villain was, the news was certainly portraying them as skilled.

My eyes widened. The view of the camera was from an arial perspective, a news helicopter. On the ground were wispy white entity's, but that wasn't the thing that caught my eye. I was focused on the figure near the explosion in mid-air.

Black clothing with white stripes, black and white gradient hair. Black strings coming from her fingertips.


—Back on the battlefield—

Third Person P.O.V.

Endeavor was standing on the ground. He recoiled his fist as he prepared to send a blast of fire Puppets way.

Puppet pivoted her body mid-air to face Endeavor. Strings came from her fingers and twined together to create a rope-like thread.

At the same time as each other, Endeavor fired off flames at Puppet and she whipped her strings towards his flames. Her strings sliced right through his flames, parting them so they didn't hit her, but split it to go to each side.

The strings grabbed Endeavor by his arm. She yanked him towards her. Endeavor quickly stopped the action by using his flames to fly back.

Endeavor grabbed hold of Puppets strings and used them to swing her farther up into the air to keep her off and away from the ground. She would have much less mobility while airborne, giving him the advantage.

Endeavor fired out high-powered flames from his feet, propelling himself up from the ground to meet Puppet who was still falling.

Endeavor fired a sheet of flames beneath Puppet and she fell right through, disorienting her for a crucial moment. Due to all the wind created by her fall, she wouldn't catch fire. Endeavor sped up and grabbed her arm right as she emerged from the flames.

Endeavors hand started to rapidly heat up, beginning to burn Puppets arm.

Puppet yelled out and grabbed onto Endeavors arm with her free hand. She wrapped strings all around his arm, almost all the way up to his shoulder. The strings constricted around his arm, but he wouldn't let go.

Puppet hissed as the pain increased.

"Surrender. You've lost." Endeavor spoke curtly. Several beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, and as soon as they met with the flames from his face, they turned to steam. Puppet quickly took notice. He was overheating himself.

Her eyes were full of malice as she spat out her response. "You should've killed me while you still had the chance."

Puppet summoned several souls that grappled onto Endeavor, attacking him at her command.

While Endeavor was dealing with her souls, Puppet gripped her hands together and wrenched her arm out of Endeavors iron hold. Before she got too far, she shot stings out and wrapped them around his midriff.

"Escape this, asshole." She growled. She used more strings to trap his arms and legs in a tangled mess of strings. He started to fall, as did she, only now they were much lower to the ground than before.

Puppet let go of the strings holding Endeavor, leaving him tangled. Instead, more strings came from her fingers and the wind from falling caused them to flick around erratically. She was able to manipulate them enough that they twined together at the ends, creating a very thin parachute. It barely slowed her fall as she descended to the ground.

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I had never seen her use the techniques that she was, maybe it was just because I always erased her quirk. Nonetheless, this was far beyond what I had thought she was capable of. She was so much more dangerous than anyone had realized. She was mad. Just what the hell did they do to get her like this?

As the news camera followed the fight, Puppet made a parachute-like tarp out of her strings. She was trying to slow her fall, that much was clear.

She landed hard on the ground, loosing her footing on impact and falling into the dirt and dust. Her figure skidded a few feet before she stopped and started to pick herself up with her arms, though she was definitely having a hard time with her injuries.

Endeavor landed near her, the souls she had used to attack him all destroyed. He broke her strings with his heat and strength, pulling them off him. He advanced to her.

I felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of my face. There was nothing I could do from here at UA, I could only watch the screen. I could only hope Endeavor wouldn't underestimate her. I could only hope he would win.

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