85 || Trip

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—The next day—

Puppets P.O.V.

Today has been an uneventful day so far, everyone just sat around doing nothing. No one was doing any sort of task.

Hawks and I had taken over the couch in the main room, just sitting. He looked to be thinking about something, his eyebrows furrowed and face nearly expressionless. I on the other hand was fiddling with a string that I had tied into a loop. I was on my way working to make the string form a cats cradle by weaving and tangling it around my fingers.

With a noticeable sigh, Hawks shifted his position and laid down on his back, his head rested on my legs. He smiled up at me with a cute smile.

I smirked back, untangling my fingers and setting the string off to the side.

I reached out and took off his visor along with his headphones and placed them on the arm of the couch. I started to play with his messy hair, running my fingers through it and ruffling it up a bit. My nails ran lightly along his scalp and he closed his eyes.

"That feels good.." He mumbled, leaning into my hand.

A soft smile graced my face as I continued to run my fingers through his golden tresses.

After a few minutes Hawks reached up and non-aggressively grabbed both my wrists.

"Wanna go somewhere with me today?" He asked.

"Sure, but where and what would we do?" I asked. We were well-known villains, where would we go that we wouldn't be recognized?

"I have a place in mind that's out of reach of other people. We'll be fine." He assured me. "I've been there hundreds of times and I haven't seen another person there once."

"So long as you're sure." I agreed.

We both got up from the couch. He picked up both his visor and his headphones, putting them back on.

"I'll meet you outside, I wanna go grab something." He said then sped off up the stairs.

I shrugged and went to step outside. If he wanted to take something along I wasn't going to object.

Hawks met me outside a few minutes later. He was carrying something over his shoulder. It was a long, cylindrical, fabric case.

"What is that?" I asked, referring to the case he was carrying.

"It's a delta kite. Thought you might want to fly it if there's enough wind." He said.

I'd never flown a delta kite before, but I had heard of them. Their supposedly difficult to fly and require a lot of focus.

I shrugged, "Sure, but you're gonna have to teach me."

"Okay, well let's go. Time waits for no one." He said, walking away.

"Aren't we going to fly?" I asked watching him walk away. It wasn't preferable, but I really did think he was going to fly us.

Hawks turned back around and walked up to me with a smile on his face. "Glad you suggested it! Now you can't blame it on me!"

"What? No." I quickly turned it down, but it was too late. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me into a secure hold.

"You gonna hang on or no?" He asked. I hadn't put my arms around his neck yet to hold on, he was probably taking notice of that.

With a defeated sigh, I hooked my arms around his neck and held on as he took off and started to fly us to wherever he wanted to go.

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