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Third Person P.O.V.

Eraser Head looked over to see the cause of the cool colored flames. Another villain, Dabi.

Puppet started to circle around Eraser Head, sandwiching him between herself and Dabi. Now it was two against one.

Eraser Head couldn't erase both their quirks at once, he could only look one way at a time. Both of them were members of the League of Villains and each of them had extremely dangerous quirks. He decided to keep his quirk focused on Puppet, she was silent whereas Dabi's quirk came with a warning of light just before the flames would reach him.

Both the villains came at Eraser Head at the same time; Dabi firing flames at him from behind while Puppet charged at him with a throwing knife. Eraser Head jumped back out of the way of Dabi's flames and kicked at Puppet, causing her to back off for a moment.

The last thing Eraser Head expected from this fight was for Puppet to have backup, usually she was a lone killer. He was better in one on one situations, this was bad for him. He was also running out of stamina, which soon would leave him vulnerable, and he knew this.

Puppet threw a knife at Eraser Head and charged him again at the same time. He was able to dodge the knife but had to immediately turn around to momentarily erase Dabi's quirk. He erased Dabi's quirk just in time to avoid being blasted.

By the time Eraser Head turned back around to erase Puppet's quirk again, she was right in front of him.

Puppet jumped up and placed her hands on his shoulders. She flipped over his head, landing behind his back. Eraser Head instantly turned and swung his dagger at her and she quickly dodged, only barely escaping his blade.

Puppet kept Eraser Heads focus on her and Dabi fired off a sheet of flames to the side of the two individuals.

Puppet kicked Eraser Head's side and launched him into the blue flames.

Eraser Head let out a loud howl of pain as he was burned by Dabi's flames. He shut his eyes tight and pulled a coil of his scarf from around his neck, throwing it out of the fire and hoping it caught onto something. His scarf was able to wrap around a pole of the stage and he yanked himself out of the flames with most of his remaining strength.

Before he could regain his strength and energy, Puppet came swinging in using her strings and kicked Eraser Head in the head.

'Revenge is sweet.' Puppet thought triumphantly thinking back to when he attacked her in the alley.

The blow to the head had caused Eraser Head to drop his dagger and sent him stumbling back. He caught himself before he fell but he was unstable on his feet. Blood started to drip down from his head over his face from the injury.

Puppet charged at him yet again. Eraser Head tried to dodge, but couldn't move in time as he became lightheaded. Puppet kicked him right in the stomach. He coughed up blood as he was sent flying back, tripping over the edge of the stage and falling off onto his back with a heavy thud.

Eraser Head didn't move after that blow and the fight calmed to a stop, the villains being victorious.

"I was fine, Dabi. No one asked you to step in." Puppet snapped as she walked over to him.

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