119 || A Final Farewell

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—A few months later at 3:22pm—

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

I let out a sigh, the crisp winter air showing my breath.

The afternoon was gloomy, clouds overshadowing the small park I was walking in to clear my head.

After walking for a bit, the right side of my face started to tingle uncomfortably.

I lifted my hand rubbing over the scar that was producing the itch. I could still feel the black-threaded stitchings.

I frowned, unwelcome memories spilling into my thoughts. I would forever have a reminder of everything.

I dropped my hand back to my side with a sigh.

I hadn't initially noticed, but it seemed that I was alone in the park. It was ominous.

The unease nearly made me flinch as someone came from behind me and covered my eyes with their hands. But the hands... they were wispy, white and partially see-through.

A voice that I recognized all too well spoke into my ear, "Guess who~"

My stomach dropped and my breath caught.

After a moment, she prompted me. "Take a guess."

"Puppet.." I replied.

She hummed. "Correct."

The soul—Puppet—uncovered my eyes and instead placed her hands lightly on my shoulders.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly. "Come to try and finish me off?"

I could practically feel the frown radiating from her.

"I have no villainous intentions if that's what you're asking." She stated moving the soul's hands off my shoulders and I was able to turn around and face her.

"Where are you?" I demanded looking around myself to make sure her real self wasn't right next to me.

"Relax, I'm nowhere near you."

My eyes narrowed. I was skeptical about whether or not she was telling the truth.

"I thought you'd be more surprised to see me, seeing as you did stab me and leave me for dead." She said. "But I suppose my expectations shouldn't be too high when it comes to you."

"When there's no body, you can't confirm a death." I said. "But then again, you can cheat your way out of practically anything."

That earned faint chuckle from her. "That's true."

"What's your plan then?" I asked. "What are you going to do now?"

She shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe I'll show up again, you'll never know."

"And there'll be someone to stop you when you do."

She raised a brow. "You're not volunteering?"

"What makes you think I want to chase after you again?" I asked, my tone deadpan.

She hummed. "I suppose that's fair. In that case—"She turned away from him—"goodbye, Eraser."

"You used that line already."

Puppet sighed, "Well then, farewell."

Puppets P.O.V.

I released the soul I had sent to Eraser, fading back into my own surroundings.

I was currently in Kamino Ward, back where I first joined the League and everything started. Sitting on the edge of a building, I gazed across the street at the building on the other side. The building was the first hideout the League had — the old bar. It had been repaired since the last time I was here, the holes in the walls were patched up.

With a sigh, I stood up. I pulled my hood over my head and turned around. I took a step, and then another, and another, step by step, walking away into the night.

A/N: Well guys, it's been a wild ride and after 3 years and 119 chapters, this book has been concluded. It has been a pleasure writing for you all, farewell.

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