88 || Interception

945 36 2

Puppets P.O.V.

When we were about halfway back, Hawks started to fly at a faster speed, which is something I picked up on. Looking up at him, his facial expression was serious and he was scanning around with his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know. My wings are getting a weird tingling sensation, that usually means there's something dangerous nearby." He said back, "I'm hoping it's nothing we need to worry about."

We kept flying but it was more eerie and quiet, the only sounds being the flap of Hawks' wings and the wind whooshing by. I could tell he was listening, looking around for anything suspicious.

Without warning, Hawks suddenly wrapped his arms around my figure very securely, holding my head against his chest. His wings quickly folded around me, serving as protection. With his wings tucked in we lost some altitude.

"Hold on!" He warned.

Explosions sounded and it felt like the air around us shook. Once the explosions calmed after a few seconds, I felt a huge gust of heat even through Hawks' wings. Hawks opened his wings and dodged to the side. He quickly flew us backwards to a safer distance.

I looked up. Hovering in the air using flames from his feet, several yards away from us was Endeavor.

I swallowed and I felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of my face. What was he doing here? The number one hero, so far from his agency.

Hawks dodged back as Endeavor fired off more flames at us. He kept flying through the air to avoid the blasts, but having to hold onto me was no doubt slowing him down.

Hawks' grip on me inevitably faltered as Endeavor continuously fired flames at us. I slipped from his arms, falling through the air to the ground that was about 80 feet below.

While falling some of Hawks' feathers zipped towards me and took a hold of my clothing. The feathers slowed my fall a bit and was able to pivot myself mid-air so I would land on my feet. My boots absorbed the force of the impact from me landing hard on the ground.

The whole area around was a deserted flat of land made up of dirt and dust, no sign of flora or fauna life anywhere- not even grass.

The only sign of life in this area were the multiple figures running towards me. I readied myself, these people were no doubt assisting Endeavor.

I flicked a whole handful of razor-sharp strings at them. A big gust of wind prevented my strings from reaching them. That wind had to be a quirk, it was too timely.

"Now!" A female voice shouted.

A bigger gust of wind hit me directly, pushing me back. I dug my boots into the earth and got low to the ground, preventing myself from being too affected.

The wind kicked up a lot of loose dust that was sitting on the ground. The layers of thick dust clouded the whole area over, impairing my vision. Even the sunlight was blocked off and I couldn't even see overhead of me into the skies anymore.

Hawks' P.O.V.

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no!' I dodged another blast of Endeavors flames. 'Why is he here?!' As far as I had been paying attention, Endeavor was taking care of things near his agency and tracking down the League from a distance. One of the last things I expected was for him to show up here in the flesh.

This was bad. I wasn't expecting to fight today, and I'm sure Puppet wasn't either.

The good part about where I was right now was that I was better off in the air and quicker than Endeavor. So I kept dodging his flames, one blast after another, and every once and a while multiple blasts at a time. I could tell they were more like warning shots if anything. He didn't want to injure me.

Once I had a good distance between me and Endeavor, I looked down. I had dropped Puppet earlier, and I wasn't able to help her much aside from slowing her fall a bit using a few of my feathers.

The ground was almost entirely covered by a thick sheet of dust. I couldn't see through it, so I didn't know where Puppet was nor if she was okay. That had to be purposefully done by Endeavor, he wanted to separate Puppet and I then take us out while we were each alone. There was no doubt in my mind that Puppet was facing off against Endeavors sidekicks right now.

Endeavor was staying lower that me, firing his flames up at me and forcing me higher. He was keeping me as far from the ground as possible, as far from Puppet as possible.

'Sorry, Puppet. You're gonna have to deal with that on your own for a bit, until I can get to you.'

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