48 || Spinner's Fate

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Do we have a location for Spinner?" Magne asked.

"I have coordinates to his living space." Kurogiri answered, "I'll open a warp gate and someone can poke their head through before we all go."

"Are we sure it wasn't Giran who sold us out?" Dabi asked.

Kurogiri spoke up to answer her question, "Giran is a well respected broker in villainy, he would not ruin his reputation. He would take vital information of organizations he works with to his grave."

"Compress, call Giran." Shigaraki commanded.

Mr. Compress pulled out a phone from his pocket and dialed up a number. He pressed the speaker button and held the phone up for the other members to hear.

"Hello." Girans voice resonated from the phone.

"Good evening, Giran. How are you?" Mr. Compress greeted him.

"Always could be doing better, what have you youngins been up to?"

"We were sold out to the heroes." Shigaraki said bluntly to the phone.

"Well I know I didn't sell you out, I would be arrested now if that were the case."

"So it wasn't Giran. Let's go get that bastard!" Twice yelled, eager to get to Spinner.

"We appreciate all you've done for us, Giran." Kurogiri thanked, "Now we must take care of the one who decided to not be loyal."

"Good luck with that, now I have clients to deal with."

Mr. Compress hung up and put the phone back into his pocket.

Kurogiri opened a warp gate and looked over to Hawks, "I suggest Hawks to be the one to go, he can use his feathers to corner Spinner."

"Good idea." Dabi jumped in, "Let him prove his worth."

"Wow thanks." Hawks said sarcastically to the patchwork villain.

"Hey, what about me?!" Toga whined, "You can't just leave me here alone!"

"Twice, help her." Shigaraki commanded.

"Yeah, sure." Twice walked over and draped one of Toga's arms around his neck and helped her stand.

"Well, I guess I'm going." Hawks stepped up and sent a few of his feathers through the warp gate before he followed, disappearing to the other side.

After a few moments, one of Hawks' vermillion feathers came out of the warp gate and ushered the rest of the League to go through.

Dabi was the first to go through, followed by Magne, then Shigaraki, then Puppet, then Mr. Compress, then Twice and Toga, and lastly Kurogiri. Kurogiri closed the warp gate behind him.

On the other side of the warp gate, Hawks had Spinner backed into the corner of the room they were standing in.

Spinner looked at them all, "You guys shouldn't be here."

"Oh yeah? Well you shouldn't have sold us out!" Magne yelled.

Spinner said nothing.

"Spinner how could you?" Toga asked sadly, leaning on Twice for support.


"Well you can't exactly blame me then, that was your fault." Spinner said back.

"You got me sent to Tartarus." Puppet hissed, "And that wasn't exactly pleasant."

"Then it's surprising that you're standing here now." Spinner responded.

"But why?" Toga questioned, "We never did anything to you."

"The League of Villains..." Spinner started, "It was never meant to be. Stain never wished to go against the police, he just wanted to purge the unworthy heroes."

"Spinner." Shigaraki spoke, gaining the attention of the traitor. The room fell silent, "Spinner listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible..."

"...You fucked up."

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